
There are a lot of threads on Twitter that lay out his ties to Russia very explicitly (check out Adam Khan @khanoisseur if you’re interested), but I REALLY want to see those returns.

For my work, I move our employees from a home location to another location so they can work on projects/open offices/etc. To move a family from one location to another in two weeks is almost impossible. There is immigration considerations to consider, schooling if they have children, sale of houses/cars/furniture that

This, right here. Why hasn’t some black hat with a heart of gold hacked this shitbag so we can see his tax records?

So, let me guess....now he’s gonna appoint a bunch of diplomats with pro-Russian ties/interests?

I’m assuming he’s appointing his kids and mistresses.

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

I actually really don’t understand how/why the person who is not president yet can order currently serving diplomats to leave their posts BEFORE he becomes president.