
I think one of the hardest things about picking a good trainer or instructor is that most people starting out don’t know enough to answer the questions Perry poses above. I lucked out with my first yoga teacher - she’s really good at calling out danger points in poses where extending too far or putting a limb the

...I wonder if BDSM relationships (paid or otherwise) could be extended for this purpose...

Honestly, in every other way possible, I welcome New Years resolutioners at my gym. Regardless of whether or not they’ll stick to it, or if I have to wait a little longer for a machine, they’re trying to make a positive life change, and I fully support that. But dear GOD do they reek. It’s like they can’t quite

Be Honest With Your Trainers and Instructors”

While I truly appreciate honestly and realism, most of the stuff under the research section just left me intimidated by the whole process. Sure, do research and find a trainer that is a good fit for you, I get that. But then there are a ton of caveats: the certification process is not rigorous, many of the specialty

Sounds like being a good trainer is hard, but being a moderately successful trainer is just about being photogenic and able to bluff expertise.

Soup: tomato orange, loaded with vitamin C.

It depends on what’s going on.

Yes! Tom Kha is a go-to when I’m not feeling well.

I used to like Campbell’s Tomato soup with plenty of saltine crackers when i was sick, but they changed the recipe and it tastes really sweet now. I’ve yet to find an alternative I like as much, so I switch to any chicken noodle soup.

Regarding Thai: Tom Kha soup from a local Thai place, especially when ladled from the bottom of their pot where all the ginger has settled. Extra mushrooms are a must, too.

Anybody have suggestions on how to watch foreign movies? Especially new ones. Right now I rent from Amazon and it seems like a lot of the titles are shown, but when I go to purchase it says not available. Fandango doesn’t seem any better. Nothing illegal, just a streaming service with foreign movies. Thanks!

The ones that fuss and complain about no help for birthdays, are usually the ones that want to fuss about the birthdays. They think, “What would you do without me?” Well...for one, we would all live in peace and just forget the whole birthday mess.

Ah yes, but imagine if you were an engineer and bad at those things, and it’s not part of your job... and yet because you’re female the rest of the office expects you to do these things anyway.

We order cakes for birthdays and other events, but hell if I know why. There’s always at least 2/3-3/4 of a big cake left over, our fridge is small, and everyone spends half the party handing cake slices down until they pile up because no one wants cake. Just like last time.

It’s harder if you’re a receptionist or administrative assistant because depending on how the company defines it, some of this stuff may be in your job description. But that doesn’t mean it all is. And people are terrible about respecting the difference.

You’ve left out the most important ones:

I am one of the worsts about this. I do double duty as a receptionist and as someone involved in big projects/covers someone’s job while on maternity leave or whatever. But because of my role as a receptionist, I constantly have to act as the office mom and it drives me nuts. I shouldn’t have to clean up after