In the larger scheme of things, an orca is much more ecologically and biologically important than the farmed turkey we are eating on Thanksgiving.
In the larger scheme of things, an orca is much more ecologically and biologically important than the farmed turkey we are eating on Thanksgiving.
Lolz people in the ME are cavemen. Trololololo
Oh, totally. The Middle East has not changed a bit from the way it was centuries ago.
I'm calm! I agree with you- it totally is cute. I didn't realize how crazily angry my original comment came across! Anyone have an extra xanax?
Genetics - how do they work?
This gif is EVERYTHING.
This kind of anthropomorphism irritates the shit out of me. Dogs could care less about ruining your favorite pair of shoes. Evidence shows they are reacting to YOUR emotions/actions.…
A random dig at Death Cab for Cutie? Okay, then.
Thank you for reminding me that I have some, erm, business to attend to.
I'm so, so glad you were able to extricate yourself from that situation. That is so fucking hard to do.
Yay (but not really) for emotionally abusive and fucked up high school boyfriends! After one of our many break ups, my ex disappeared after threatening to kill himself. I drove around the neighborhood in a panic trying to find him, only to find him in my bathroom. He was covered in blood that he had coughed up in a…
Yep, I was thinking the same thing. The first few sentences were painful enough and I couldn't bear to read further. No thanks.
Dear god, Hugh Jackman could absolutely not possibly be anymore charming. It's so silly, but I think I adore him.
That line only belongs on an $80 t-shirt, natch.
That's how I felt when my friend's mom wanted to take a picture of me in front of Manson's old San Francisco place. I thought a no-smile and peace sign was the most appropriate way to pose. Awkward.
You are my new shallow favorite!
Seriously. An intervention in what? How to not act like an ignorant privileged white person? I guess I can see that.
Her audience reaction shots were the best performances of the night in my opinion. Riri is awesome even when she's just stone-cold staring.
Why are you stalking me?!
I walk with a hand on my general stomach area often. I guess this means I am often pregnant and unaware.! Or I eat too much too often, I don't know.