
I understand where you're coming from and what you're saying. Many of my close friends were in similar situations. I was placed on house arrest at one point with a promise that my mom would make sure I had no access to sharp objects. My situation is very different, especially because I was underage at that time.

All I can focus on is Kate's hair. Want!

The article above mentioned that based on comments she made, it was determined that the hold needed to be placed. I wasn't there, so I can't state to the validity of that claim, but 5150 holds aren't enacted lightly.

Why are a bunch of college graduate students at a high school prom? I get that people my age (myself included) in their twenties can't let go of their 'youth,' but this is ridiculous and weird.

I have a diabetic parent with type I diabetes and I can definitely see how this could happen. What a sad and scary situation.

Erm, she's not wrong though.

If you keep them on a leash that you are holding, they should be fine!

If this works, it would be pure awesomeness. Deer are cute and all, but besides being garden pest, these fuckers are major disease vectors. Less deer mean less ticks, which means happier humans and animals. Win!

Middle school students are considered adults in China? This hasn't been my experience. I may be acting a little pedantic here, but all information I have been able to find on the internet states that the age of majority in China is 18. Not sure how what I've said could be interpreted as disrespectful, but to each

This accident didn't happen in China, nor was this written in China, so from an etho-centric American view, these girls are girls. I shouldn't have responded to the original comment in the first place, because this is so incredibly nit-picky and unimportant in the scheme of things. The only thing that matters is that

In California, 16 not considered adult and the term girls is very appropriate.

But why? Is it a religious thing? A power thing? I don't understand why this is the number 1 top priority issue right now.

I wonder how all this restrictive legislation is going to affect (effect? I can never get this one right.) future rates of women-related cancers/diseases, not even including home-abortion complications. This can't be good.

Bahaha that's exactly right. I guess one doesn't going looking at the Republican Party for logic.

I live in the East Bay with no air conditioning and my apartment has been over 90 degrees. At night. It's so miserable, but it could be worse!

Why are Republicans so preoccupied with women's health issues? Is there really nothing else of importance going on in this world that requires legislation? Are they trying to distract us from other issues?

Yes to everything you said! I think it's really strange that the media needs to sexualize puppets from a children's program. It's fucking weird and unnecessary, regardless of the puppets' sexual proclivities. That was an incredibly stupid sentence and makes as much sense as assigning sexuality to a children's puppet

I would like to create legislation that forbids any adult male from creating legislation relating to sex organs that they do not have.

Thank you for sharing this, it's truly fantastic.

Say what you will about Michael Jackson, but at least he never deserted his poor pet monkey in Germany.