
My first thought was "it might be time to let that go," but I'm partial to worse things I suppose.

Oh my god, I could have just died from happiness with the first glimpse of the back of Brian's head.

Ahh! Thank you for posting ... I see that "Oh, dang" GIF of Eric all the time and couldn't remember which episode it was from.

Good thing he used Indiegogo instead!

Ah, that makes some sense. It's the new Jason/Matt/Drew. I still find that kind of strange, as I've only known one or two other Logans besides the ones I'm related to. And the Veronica Mars character. But I digress...

Not sure what everyone's problem with the name Logan is. My great-grandfather's name was Logan, and it's a lovely name that's been passed down through the generations. Logan really doesn't deserve to be in the same category as Tanner.

My friend lied to me when we went to the park at Alamo Square! New mission: stalk (er, briefly drive by) 1709 Broderick and find correct home and cry with joy.

I cannot even begin imagining what it's like to live my every day life as entertainment for people. How are they not beyond exhausted at this point? Maybe money does buy happiness? I could not, nor would I ever want to, live like that.

I still read it that way, even after reading this comment. It wasn't until the under of the trailer that I realized it was "Magic Magic." I think it may be time for a nap.

I hate myself a little for this, but I love both of those movies. Love may be too strong of a word, but I have definitely viewed them more than once. I thought they both did bad so well.

I wanted to add that I do think it's great that you are spreading awareness. Thank you for the last paragraph of this story. The good news is that a lot more animals are being released now than are coming in malnourished or sick.

That's all I can think too. I hope this pup doesn't end up stranding and needing rehabilitative care. Not good.

I can't have warm and fuzzy feelings about this, even though that pup is damn cute. Sea lions are super smart, and this one has a good chance of running into problems with humans in the future, especially once it gets big. This can lead to stranding or worse. Sea lions aren't so adorable (although only slightly less

Oh, totally. She was just hideous before having a nose job. Give me a break. Someone sounds pressed.

This speculation is completely absurd, but also hilarious.

That is really beside the point when this article is specifically about fois gras. The way (most of) these animals are forced fed is inhumane. That's a problem. This donut shop owner is quite obviously saying fuck you to a law that was recently passed with good reason.

Fuck yeah, Billy Joel!

Animal abuse isn't a real problem? Alrighty then.

I would tell him to fuck off. Or maybe a, "Sorry, I don't recall asking for your opinion." Tool.

I think the character needed more time to develop, but it was nice to see a guy not treat Veronica like shit for a couple episodes. Even though I think I would still ship Veronica and Logan. So many feelings ?!@