
A lot of soldiers in WWI wore capes.

Say what you will about Activision but kudos for offering a free game with their MW remaster. No one will play it but it was a nice addition.


Deja poo?

He’s just being true to the source material.

10 years from now we will have implanted visual cortex interfaces. This will allow us to have vision far exceeding normal. Video and records from this era will have to be enhanced to be viewable once we have been spoiled by colors and clarity no man has ever imagined.

not sure whether that comment is sad or funny.

On PC.

Sooo...HL3 confirmed?

I saw this gem in East Aurora, NY this weekend. I think it’s worse.

Surprised there’s no mention of Lumberyard, since it’s such a valuable piece of this strategy. Amazon released a free game engine that not only allows developers to easily use Amazon Web Services to support their games but also has Twitch integration built-in. It’s one thing to have an API that developers can use to

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Uh, he has not be detained. Far from it. Not even close.

Don’t word it like there is a direct correlation between those two things when there is not.


Gods, if you can’t stand a F-bomb or two then you probably should get off the internet entirely, my friend.

That’s your opinion, it isn’t fact. Plenty of people enjoy using the Steam Controller. At least for me, it’s way more accurate than my X360 controller.

It's literally right there in the image.

What about for our friends in India? Is there a setting for allowing drivers to drive on whatever side of the road they damn well please?