A little jealous? Maybe the kid earned it. Nah, absolutely correct. No kid deserves this. I, on the other hand......
A little jealous? Maybe the kid earned it. Nah, absolutely correct. No kid deserves this. I, on the other hand......
Thank you from ALL of the commenter's
Wow! Since Grandpa Joe finally pulled the pin,all the lefties are really shiteing themselves based on 99% of the comments here. Things could be a lot worse than 4 more years of Trump. Like 4 years of Kamiller
Why? That’s why they, Amazon has insurance. If I’m Daddy Warbucks rich and I’m wt fault hitting your car, you go after my insurance company, not me. Not my problem they aren't closing the claim. IF Amazon was SELF INSURED,fine bash em all you want. Insurance companies suck. Period
Not the dispatchers job.
It's the railroad. Short of killing the trainmaster, and even then maybe not, nobody ever loses that job once they have it. Better than hitting Powerball 😁
The responsibility falls on the entire crew that is "qualified' on that " branch" of track. Begining with the Lead conductor, engineer and any other qualified crew member. Plenty of time off for all no doubt all will be taken out of service for awile
So this guy loses his job over this???