
Do it! Take all the boring classes you have to have to do what you like. You can also get some nice scholarships and easily double major and have plenty of time for internships if you want to spend 4yrs at school. It will pay off when you graduate!

You can install games or anything else you want to external drives. It just pops up as a separate storage option. I actually have some things split between two usb drives. Halo 4 installed on a usb hard drive, multiplayer on a usb flash drive.

Now playing

I'm not kidding when I say this song changed my perspective on life.

I get that you guys are just trolling commenters now, but its really helping me loose any credibility you had left with me as a site to get legitimate reviews from. If that's what your go-to reference is for the phone, an not something productive like the camera or the software, why are you writing for Gizmodo? You

Thats true, but that only gets you a few more pixels and you don't get Protune, which is a awesome feature. Still nice, and I would love to see a comparison of the two (4K video vs. 12mp stills) and how much of a pain it is to process, color correct, and assemble the stills. If I could get a way with 15fps at 4k and

Ok, the 4k shooting mode is absolutely not a pointless feature just because you don't know how to use it. Lots of pros use the GoPro cams as secondary tracking cams for motion stabilization and masking, that sort of thing. Also, 15FPS is fine for shooting timelapse stuff, something that lots of people use GoPro's for.

I know lots of people stuck on BB for work, and combined with all the Office integration you get with Phone 7. Add in the hardware design (physical keyboards and all that), and they would dominate corporate America.

There is way to much competition in the $200 range. There is literally nothing this powerful and with these features available at this price. This is exactly what Microsoft and Nokia needed to do to make this phone a success.

They could have turned it into a Spartan Run type of event. That would have been pretty interesting.

I'm just curious and I'm not trying to be snarky; what sort of job field are you in where you can tell people to kiss your ass and last more then five minutes at that company? I work in design and for every yes I get on something I've heard 100 no's and critiques. Acting like I'm above it completely pointless and

I have some friends on the Windows Phone team, and I was lucky enough to get a demo of both the 920 and the HTC 8x. I'm going to buy a Lumia for the exact reason Sam doesn't like it: the weight. I never felt at any moment like the Lumia was going to slip out of my hand like i did with 8x or how I constantly feel with

All the cool Nokia Apps are exclusive too

Yep! you can usually access it by pressing the "delete" key right when your computer turns on and before the operating system loads. All the text that shows up before your OS loading screen should say how to get into the bios.

Dropbox and Runkeeper are the two most useful. Find My Phone has saved my ass many times, and a friend just found his stolen iPad yesterday using it!

I think this was just the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of Apple fans, myself included. Well, actually the last update that completely fucked everything on my iPhone 4 and the de-proing of the 15" was mine, but to each their own I guess.

You can always run Windows Media center on a XBox360. Works pretty well

Really? I've had the opposite experience. Had Comcast and nothing worked. Ever. Switched to CenturyLink to take advantage of cheap internet and no cable, and they've been great. Shipped me my modem early and gave me a few free days of service, and customer service has been prompt and haven't messed anything up yet

Between this and how every update just seems to fuck my phone and tablet more, I'm getting a surface and windows phone. Seriously, podcast is the biggest piece of shit ever. Is it pretty? Yep. Can it play podcasts correctly? Nope, so whats the fucking point?

The funny thing is, looping from Seattle to Bellevue is pretty boring. Sure, you could get going crazy fast on 90, but its all straights. A few better roads: Looping Greenlake. its 2.8 miles of fairly tight turns and straights, lots of room for spectators. It would be a great vintage track: Hi, I'd like to share a

I know with my contour, using the included software's import function adds all kinds of weirdness to my footage. But, if I mount the card and drag the avi files straight into final cut or whatever, the quality is WAY better.