
This. This is the only reason I would do it, personally. I absolutely hate the fact that the USB drives are limited to such a small size on the 360.

It's out on video and the womb alien is in the preview. You've had enough time to see it, and kinda not their problem.

Looping the outer road around Mercer would be pretty sweet! I'e also thought that a UW around greenlake and back would be a cool course.

He's saying that he didn't photoshop the image together. He did the texturing for the model in Photoshop. Theres a difference, but yeah, he wasn't clear about it.

Vote: US Dept. of Education Direct Loans

The "Dextrose Solution" they mention is basically sugar. Don't worry, the frys make you fat: http://youarenotafitperson.com/2010/05/26/we-did-the-fast-food-burgers-now-we-need-to-do-the-fries/

I would love it if anyone could help me out with this question: I received a copy of Windows 7 Enterprise to use at home from my last company. I no longer work there and since I'm not connecting to their servers, (I'm guessing, I don't really know how it works) Windows has started giving me the "Your copy is not

Whoops! Just saw you need a mic in. I can say that the mic on mine is pretty decent when their isn't wind since it points forward, where most action cams have the mic on the back or side. I've also seen people buy a cheap stereo recorder like this: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/zoom-h1-handy-recorder and

You should pick up the new Contour Roam 2. Sony ripped them off, both the form factor and even down to stuff like the website. Its a fantastic camera that's wide angle, shoots 60fps, and has a great form factor. It's also waterproof to 3 feet, so you wont't have to worry about getting sweat or other liquids on it, and

That swoosh is pretty awful, but I can see how the Nike one would be decent. I guess I like the ebay one more for the idea it conveys: playful, and that its fun to bid on things. Maybe its because their typography is always just so blah and boring this jumped out at me.

The merc logo looks like it was hit with a truck. Also, the nike one is horrible with that swoosh.

I was going to mention this, but yeah, warlord, not dictator. It would be a really interesting chart to see all of the worst leaders throughout history. Khan would be the top, but I'm sure there would be a few emperors and raja's on there.

Kinda digging the Coca-Cola logo, and the ebay one isn't terrible either.

If anyone is thinking of getting this on pre-order, these guys are including a 32GB card for free: http://store.mpgear.com/gopro-hd-hero3-black-edition-camera-free-32gb-micro-sd-card.aspx?SSAID=218662

My sister is currently working in Greenland, and uses a GoPro2 to shoot timelapse photos of everything from crazy weather to sticking it in the ocean so she doesn't have to risk her nice camera. There isn't anything else available right now that can shoot 4K that could handle that sort of abuse for that price.

Probably lots of ghosting, since Twixtor really needs 60fps for smooth transitions.

Time lapse footage is a major gopro feature, and isn't niche at all.

The comments to this article seem to break down into two categories: Fuck you, I'm gonna do what I want, and Fuck Me? Fuck You.

A lot of people really like the WD TV: http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=330 Combine this with a nice network drive, and your pretty set!

I worked at a public pool in college and had to ask a transsexual with obvious breast implants to wear a top once. For the most part, most people where totally fine, but theres always someone being dramatic in that "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!" overly dramatic fashion.