
The comments to this article seem to break down into two categories: Fuck you, I'm gonna do what I want, and Fuck Me? Fuck You.

A lot of people really like the WD TV: http://www.wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=330 Combine this with a nice network drive, and your pretty set!

I worked at a public pool in college and had to ask a transsexual with obvious breast implants to wear a top once. For the most part, most people where totally fine, but theres always someone being dramatic in that "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!" overly dramatic fashion.

Literally all it would take would be someone offering. I would do it in a heartbeat if I was trained and all that.

I'm late to the party, but any chance I get to vent about this guy, I take it.

I would buy that. From Amazon, of course....

Headline? Really?

But Drive, like I am, is in the creative field, not software development. It's a very different process geting a job. I totally agree with him, but I'd put the numbers around 85%-90% it's who you know. I'm in gaming, and if you aren't a protege and don't know someone on the inside, you aren't even going to get an

If it was done like "Reign of Fire", then it could work. Stupid fun, but you could tell that the actors and director took the premise seriously, and didn't half ass it.

My uncle dropped a v8 in a fiero, and damn was that thing a blast!

I could see something like a June release at ~$300, and the iPod Touch getting a price drop to $250.

They aren't bad, pretty bass heavy though. I have some MDR-V700's I've been abusing for years and they still sound pretty good, which are similar. They're DJ oriented, so I actually really like them for work. Isolated enough to blast without bugging anyone, but you can still hear whats going on, and really comfortable

Uh, not sure where you're getting that from, but it does do 60fps. It'll even do 120fps if you don't mind shooting in 480p.

The only one I've ever had issues with is the "hat mount". that thing was a piece of crap and popped off within 3 minutes of use. But, I think that one is the exception, and its a odd design anyway. I've had nothing but great experiences with contour.

Forza is made by Turn10, which is owed by Microsoft and based out of the MGS Studios in Redmond.

His stuff looks a lot like my buddy Rich's: http://www.flaptrapsart.com/f-r-e-e-l-a-n-c-e.html

I think what he's saying is that Google has had plenty of time to create a new Maps app, and that they should have had it out day one of iOS 6. I personally think that waiting is all part of Google's strategy, and letting Apple stew in their fuck up is all a big fuck to Apple by Google for booting them.

All photos are post processed, including those shot with film. What do you think a dark room is for? In fact, the thing that used to really set you apart as a pro photographer relative to an amateur with a great eye was knowing how to use the darkroom to manipulate and strengthen your photos.

Yeah, sounds like you don't have the proper shoes for your feet. How are your arches? Do you normally walk around barefoot at home? I found that I love minimal running shoes like these: http://www.newbalance.com/NB-Minimus/minimus,default,pg.html

The .38 G-2 is my favorite pen of all time