
Yeah, thats true. I'm sure the XBox Live stuff would live in a walled garden that you wouldn't have access to. But honestly, a long as everything pops up the way its supposed to, I really don't care about that. There's no reason you would need to access system files or DLC if its all cloud based and you didn't have to

100% agree. It's pretty redic that Apple dropped iDisc and didn't do something like partner with Dropbox to at least give users the option of managing our own files. All I want is a folder to drop stuff into. It's so much simpilar then Apples hidden saving stuff, which drives me nuts. Skydrive is also quick and

I'm really, really, hoping that this will work with SmartGlass when it rolls out. I would love the option to replace the hard drive on my 360 with cloud storage. If they came out with some way to download content as you needed it for things like DLC, I would be all over it. a fully solid state 360 would be great, and

Have you ever tried Transmission-QT? Apparently its port for Windows. I love transmission on my Mac, but I've always been curious about this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/trqtw/

If they are made from and constructed the same way laminated skate decks are, then you really wouldn't have to worry about moisture or damage. Skate decks are incredibly tough, and the finish they use (at least on all the boards I've owned) is more then sufficient when it comes to moisture. If anything, the frames

It would totally depend. If it was just passing control data back and forth between a bunch of different devices, those aren't big files, so it wouldn't really be a problem. If it did something like automatically download all your new music to your car stereo (which would be kinda cool, I guess) then yeah, it would

What if its for devices like the pebble watch or car stereos, cameras that have bluetooth, etc? It would be great if they could pass control data back and forth without having to have apps on both ends. I could see products being created with a iOS bluetooth sdk (kinda like airplay) that could accept remote control

Edit: I somehow missed the part where the cop says something to driver as he's getting in the car. I still seems pretty obvious that the cop is playing this up because the driver was being a prick. He put himself in a dangerous situation, and then played it up to really stick it to the guy, it seems. He also seems

Yeah, I don't need to see shit like "THIS IS HIS POOPIN FACE!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!! SUCH A BIG MESSY ONE!" accompanied by a not cute baby indeed making a I'm shitting face. This was followed by a discussion that dominated my feed about the consistency of baby shit.

It depends on your computer. Macs use the hard drive as a secondary ram cache, so having a SSD will definitely speed you up. That only works if you have room though, and having a 64GD SSD will fill up crazy fast.

The big Cintiq's are amazing (use one at work), but if you don't want to drop 2k for one, the 12" Cintiq (This guy: http://www.wacom.com/en/products/cintiq/cintiq12wx.aspx) is a fantastic go between. I use one at home, and I love it because it's so portable. I love being able to set it on my lap and also spin it

Has Google ever released ANYTHING that isn't half baked?

He uses a Cintiq like this: http://www.wacom.com/en/Products/Cintiq/Cintiq24HD.aspx

You know he's good when parts of his screen test come across as better acted then the final product.

Be careful with the whole "shouldn't bring a baby to a midnight skull-vibratingly-loud movie". I was yelled at for like a week on here for bringing that up...

Yeah, sounds simple enough to you and me. But plugging in a IDE drive (because she managed to loose or drop/break all her USB drives), changing the boot order in the BIOS, and then tracking down all the folders everything has ended up in (because folder hierarchy and file paths is like a foreign language) is

Ha! Lord knows I've tried... My favorite: "No Mom, format means ERASE the drive... No, it has nothing to do with anti-virus.... Yes, thats exactly what I told you the last time we talked... No, I can't get your pictures off the drive, you erased it.... Yes, I understand thats stupid, but thats how computers work..."

Yep!! Pretty sure we did! That was for a different machine.

It is painfully awkward, but after having to do tech support for my Mom today after she bought a "basically a mac air" ultrabook, I can see what they're going for. The guy at Best Buy sold her on "Its just like a Mac! Look! It's pretty, but it's only 2/3rds the price!"

Somebody else felt the same way and wrote a couple extensions that restores the commenting system to classic style: