
I wonder if they cut it because the arm woud have looked really weird behind the title? I could actually see them justifying that, because it's a pretty nice shot.

Think of all the uber hot model-y dudes you can. Now think about how many of them are funny. Not that many. It's kind of a universal thing, since most people aren't funny, and a lot of the people who get by on being vapid and hot (both male and female) skate by on that alone.

This is pretty terrible. Theres one dude who can kinda dance and a bunch of people who can't. Like at all. But I don't blame them. Not being able to understand things like bad dancing, random social cues, or when a meme has been beaten to death is what defines a tech company.

Thats the exact thing that popped into my head. WTF do 90% of those people do???? Any Twitter employees reading this who could answer this question?

12" Apple Powerbook. At the time, it was amazing machine and the small form factor was fantastic. I still wish I hadn't sold that thing.

Yeah, I edited my comment and didn't delete the right part. I meant Cinema4D for motion graphics, and Maya/Houdini/Mari/Nuke for VFX. Whoops!

Yeah, sorry, I meant motion graphics not vfx. Don't know what I was thinking. Houdini is pretty badass! Do you ever work with Nuke? I haven't had a chance to do much with it, but it looks fantastic and intuitive. Mari is pretty cool too, if you do a lot of painting.

If some guy jokes about dragging a woman into a alley and raping her, I'm guessing he probably would have no problem with punching/kicking/etc. her in retaliation for punching him.

Well said. As another working professional, people should always make sure to focus on their industry. Making games? (What I do) Learning AutoCAD or Rhino is pointless, and better know 3DSMax and Maya. Interested in VFX? Better know how to use Cinema4D.

Version 3 of Postbox just implemented native label support!

Also, the Evernote integration loos to be a pretty killer feature

Not sure if you guys have checked it out before, but Postbox looks pretty cool, and with a similar style and functionality for windows: http://www.postbox-inc.com/

Postbox looks pretty cool, and a good windows alternative for Sparrow: http://www.postbox-inc.com/

Sparrow is pretty solid. Plus it looks pretty and minimal, where Thunderbird always seemed kind of clunky to me.

Maybe the one I was in? Something pretty similar to this, except it was a cabbie in Seattle who repeatedly tapped the back wheel of my bike and pushed me into traffic because he wanted to make a illegal right turn downtown.

I always assumed that more educated + working in a field full of different ethnicities = more progressive, but sadly no. It might surprise you, but some of the most vile racist or sexist comments I've ever heard has come from software engineers. Maybe its just that the field attracts people who are on a whole

Interesting I guess, but its s a good nine minutes to long.

You could always buy a bunch of these and use them as range extenders. They work with any network as long as you know the password. I do this my 3 older N models, and it gives you the added bonus of wireless music, including a cool "play through all airports" option.

Can the usb port be used for more then just printing? I guess it's not that big of a deal if they added a 2nd ethernet port, but I ended up having to switch all 3 of my older expresses to airplay only since I need access to my network drives. If they had let me slap a USB drive on it, I probably never would have

Google is testing new UI elements every single day. If Google really wanted to improve their search UI, they need to dump the redundancy. They could simplify this by dumping the buttons on the left whenever you're logged in. Then, just have the black bar chase you down the screen. Easy and pretty damn clean and simple.