
“Dragons to the east of me, Snow and walkers to the north. Here I am stuck in the middle with you...”

...Which he, only moments later, re-gifted to a staffer, stating, “There’s too many words, and they’re not even my kind of words. The best words are mine, not that guys. Give this to (pointing at a random staffer) that guy.” He then whispered to his son-in-law while walking away, “When we get back, bill him for that.”


Can he also be voiced by John H. Benjamin?

Ok fine you earned that one.

So it was an ill eagle?

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.

Do you want space vikings?! Because that how you get...hey wait, I want space vikings. Carry on.

The horse problem was due to the fact they didn’t have enough African Swallows carrying coconuts to England for the squires to make pretend horse sounds.

Is it dusty in here?

Space has a way of reminding you that even though you’re technically “made of star stuff,” you’re infinitesimal in the scheme of things—far smaller even than that little dot, shining in the black nothingness.

Fuuuuuuuuck. His word vomit is so painful to even read. Guys... it hasn’t even been 3 months.

Look, it doesn’t matter who I killed, just that you remember I killed them bestly.

Was? Normandie?

Ah, now eventually you DO plan to have Ragnarok in your, in your Ragnarok movie, right? Hello?