Leon Fot

If anyone finds something cheaper than $8000 for a 1998 SL600 that can push 200 delimited then I would be very surprised.

Late 90s SL600 can take you to 200 for under 10k. I got mine for $8000 and once I put a nice set of tires on it it’s ready to go

Good article, there is a typo “frorm” in the last paragraph.

Trump’s charges are going to be thrown out by the Supreme Court on the 12th, unfortunately

It just very simply isn’t illegal. He is not paying people to vote for Trump, he is paying people because they are registered to vote and they have signed his petition. Obviously you are “supposed” to vote for Trump, but they aren’t making you do it, which is why it’s legal. It’s stupid and frustrating but it is very

If they faked the water spout I truly commend them

As someone from Houston, this was the right call. It’s so annoying how every meetup there are “don’t do burnout” reminders and every meeting the same people do it. No one cares about your ‘05 with the huge exhaust you put on it.

Doesn’t matter, you can’t hit someone with your car because you’re pissed at them

It wasn’t top gear’s fault tho??

Lewis did not dominate in 2008 lmfao

Golf R, easy peasy

At the time sure, but it’s still the fastest V6 production vehicle ever

How is a car produced from 92-94 Jaguar’s “late 90s” flagship?

Hi, I’m the Reddit user mentioned as the source of the pictures, the guy actually mentioned they’re doing a huge restoration thing (allegedly) on it, so they might be aiming for exactly what you’re saying.

I’m working on a pilot’s license right now, no plane yet sadly