
what I like in version 2.50 is the automatic screenshot when you get a trophy (which is added both in the pics. library and both in the trophy list)

soon ...

to be honest I haven’t played the game since 3-4 months (so maybe Bungie has optimized the reward system) but I was referring to this kind of situation, where RNG is not really .. fair

He ends up with a ten-man killing streak that actually turns around the entire match for his team.

a Titan ... a Warlock ... a Hunter (?)

I agree that your choice has to follow what you have decided prior this moment but still it's a tough choice since Legion was in mostly ME2 and ME3. At the end you start to like him :-)

eternal dilemma ... and a difficult choice in ME3


Jason, you should add :

I would say they had quite of experience in racing games. Below is a screencap of their wiki page. They do not mention however the # of employees. But as you said, it's a bit weird (and sad) given their promise of DLC's over a year. I picked the game ~ Christmas and it was (it is still, I'm playing from time to time)

as of right now (12:22pm EDT), 11 stars so at least 11 people liked ff13/Lightning :-)

well ... some people liked the character and games

which is very sad. Cyber City was a major piece of cyber punk and that's how I discovered Mad House studio too.

related to Borderlands, Claptrap DLC for TPS (Claptastic Voyage .... hmm ?) will be released March,24th (same day as the Handsome Collection)

do you know if the soundtrack will be available separately (via itunes) ? I remember the 1st game as some of the tracks from Dorian Project and this 2nd opus has again an amazing OST.

I'm not sure if it's related but I had some issues with First Light (Second Son DLC) and restoring the licenses fixed the issue.

inventive ways to encourage better eyes.

Haruko Haruhara(FLCL) is pretty cool crazy ... because Vespa, Guitar and Daicon III parody

so when you said the story of BSG remake was inspired by Homeworld .. it was true.