yeah, I have seen the tag but it could be a personal issue and not related to Nimoy's death
yeah, I have seen the tag but it could be a personal issue and not related to Nimoy's death
Hey Mike,
thanks for the overview Luke.
what's wrong with Unity ? Unity 5 has some really nice features (see the post about Republique this morning), there is a community very active where you can get asset from the get-go, which is very useful for small team
all these spaceships.
Wow! I'm very impressed by the capabilities of Unity 5. All they say in their PR video (improvement of graphics, lightning).
it's sad. It gives the impression that the dev's have no idea what they are doing.
Here's hoping DQVII 3DS is next.
great. I remember some of your posts about the artwork in the Remaster so having your opinion about the game would be interesting.
TotalBiscuit has made a preview
related to the topic, can we expect a Homeworld Remastered review from Kotaku ?
Sorry, PC gamers—Rockstar just announced that they've delayed the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V yet again, this time to April 14. At least heists are coming sooner.
As the story goes, game designer Itagaki wanted a feature for his fighting game that would draw attention to it during development, so he took a cue from another Japanese fighting game, SNK's 2D brawler Fatal Fury. Applying the famous breast animation of female ninja Mai Shinranui to 3D character models, the signature…
all I see is Ben Kenobi (wearing glasses) playing Fifa ...
Destiny question related : I played for 2 months starting day 1. I leveled up the 3 characters to 29 (never made the raid) but stopped playing when Dragon Age:Inquisition came. Never played the Dark Below and I don't even went through the new weapon leveling /upgrading that came with.
the Order: 1886 : honest review [sort of]
same for me. I never played an AC game before so the main story in AC4 was less interesting for me but doing naval battles, visiting all the islands was damn good
I can hear them ...
Our loss of momentum started with a confluence of other, smaller occurrences.