
I'm sure this joke has been made a thousand times but hackers, please hack HBO and get us some Game of Thrones.

Ok but having Tracy in the TARDIS for one episode would be hysterical.

This week has been amazing. I was obsessed with Buffy while it was on and for a long time after. My roommates and I would order pizza on Buffy Night. It was a really special thing for us. I watched the DVDs to the point where I had to get a 2nd set. Then I got really obsessed with Lost and then Game of Thrones so

Wow, I had no clue she was their sister. She looks nothing like them.

He said "A" face, not Arya's face. Though he did imply that if she didn't kill the actress that it would be here face.

He's in the trailer grabbing Pod from behind so he will be here soon enough.

There was no reason for the woman with $6k to risk all her money. I can see why the 2 with 13.8 did but she could have risked $5999 and walked out the champion with a buck. Tsk tsk

She's freaking adorable and I applaud your good taste.

So, there are two likely outcomes to Paige's confession. 1) Pastor Tim *is* KGB and they get involved or 2) Pastor Tim is not KGB and he and his wife are killed, showing Paige what really happens when you eff with the Motherland. I think #2 is more likely.

I am a hair (a very teeny, tiny hair) above 40 and I relate to the show a ton. I sometimes think that the people who really hate this show* are those with no self-awareness, who can't see a little of themselves in some or one of these girls. We've all got some of these girls' ugly character traits. I think I probably

Also, she's very cognizant of her New Yorker-ness. She's an older, sophisticated, big city girl who is going to show these bumpkins how to party. I loved the episode.

The first place she was shown was $250 so she then asked to see what she could get for $800 and she got a whole house so she took that, likely because that was her parent's limit of what they would pay.

I think us book readers have been dying for the viewers to experience the Red Wedding because it puts us, mostly, on equal footing with them. They've been thoroughly hazed and now know, like the readers, that truly no one is safe. Ned wasn't an anomaly. And almost no one in these damn books is happy. Now, maybe they