I loathe loathing.
This is why we cancelled our reservation. Would’ve been happy to wait, but not willing to deal with line skippers. Brand new Mazda3, at half the price.
That was a ballsy move, he could have easily gotten some digits sliced off...
Buying older cars never seemed so smart these days.
You have been permanently banned from entering best Korea for posting that
I would like to know why people buy production cars and act like they are unique or “different”. If you didn’t build your car you are not unique. If you did buy your car you are probably still copying someone. The reason to buy a 460 HP rwd manual car for 40-47k is self explanatory... I mean if you are on a site like…
The interior is nice. The exterior looks a lot like a Honda Accord.
Then you get a CEL and a code for “Error: loss of wireless communication” and the car won’t start.
Either that or use a burner car.
I woke up in a mental Odyssey this morning.
I’m not sure how he would Fit it in to his sermons...
I love the Muskovite’s who assume anyone that says anything bad including restating word for word or number for number TSLA own statements or SEC filings is a short seller.
Completely different business models. One company aims to maintain an exclusive image. The other is trying to gain mass market appeal. The worst way to do that is to shit on people who’ve had a deposit on hold for 2 years by just letting someone else wander in line in front of them (and also make it more likely that…
Wise choice
yeah the plug-in hybrid variant will have hundreds of lbs of batteries on board.
A 3 cyl 1.5L with a manual...why WOULD you want this?
This Girard guy sounds like an absolute lunatic who probably should have been institutionalized decades ago. Burying a copy of your W-2 over your old boss’ casket is not the indication of a well mind.
Opinions on Danica aside, at least she’s retiring. Seeing Derrike Cope out there last season was a fucking joke.
fuel efficiency sells and reliability sells more Hondas than horsepower numbers that’s probably why.