That’s why I keep a squeegee in my Wrangler, although I keep toying with the idea of taking an ancient MB wiper setup and putting them on the inside.
That’s why I keep a squeegee in my Wrangler, although I keep toying with the idea of taking an ancient MB wiper setup and putting them on the inside.
You haven’t needed a knife to cut away a simple partial since the 3-ring release was standardized. In modern skydiving only practitioners of CRW (canopy relative work) could reasonably expect to have to cut themselves free of an entanglement,
Some say the same about flying. It’s all relative.
To all the people with too much pride and not enough brains saying they would rather do this instead of being a victim, you must not have anyone to care about, because I’d take life and my family over another possession and possible death/injury any day
Save your breath, it’s a lost cause.
Ford actually seems to be taking a pro-active approach to the current market correction. They’re reigning in their costs, and reducing production, to maintain steady dealer inventories. GM and FCA already seem to be over-producing and piling on excessive incentives to compensate. We know how that ended last time...
youd be incorrect. Household debt is actually down quite a bit since 2009.
Damn. You really do live in a dream world. First, the Podesta emails were from a Gmail account. No server hacking needed. Second, have we seen any Hillary emails? No. Third, the GOP asked the FBI to do a check of their servers and offer suggestions for upgrades. Fourth, Trump doesn’t email and advises his people…
“ It will take 7 years for the increased cost of a Model 3 over my wife’s Prius to even break even bahahaha. Such a joke.”
lol, k. god i hope you don’t have a job with or around children.
lololol no. you first work to calm them, not reprimand them. a preschool child should not automatically be removed from the classroom and sent to the office. the cops should NEVER be called on a child who is having a tough day. jesus christ.
Also limited to 3Mbps for the first ten gigs, then video throttled depending on choice (1.5Mbps, Standard def) vs plus plan (3Mbps, high def with option to save at standard def). Then after 10 gigs all data is at 128kbps...
Is this Unlimited or “Unlimited”?
The problem is that equity is yet another tool, like employment-based health insurance, to further erode the ability of workers to take their labor elsewhere if they are treated unfairly.
The problem is a factory worker (who unlike White Collar workers gets idled from time to time when the line is reconfigured) can’t do jack squat with equity options. They vest over long periods and usually can’t get cashed out for an emergency.
The word you’re looking for is gird. A guild is what Elon is fighting against.
Hey! You can’t use your position to promote your own business!! Would the president do something like that??
I’m an American and I want a wagon. Why, you might ask. Well, it offers either the same utility, or more in some cases, as an SUV or CUV, despite being more economical owing to the fact it’s not a brick in the air. It is also more comfortable as it doesn’t handle like shit. Oh and it doesn’t handle like shit, you can…
Open casket/casket in general is grossly wasteful of space and resources. One doesn’t need their husk when they’re done with it, why not just burn the slag left over from the harvesting?
Well the issue is that the conversation is apparently significantly more distracting than the simple act of glancing down for a minute. I don’t believe hands free is really more dangerous, but based on the studies I’ve seen, there seems to be evidence it really doesn’t make calls much safer.