The Dummy Gummy

From the photo it appears to be a plane of significant size. Not some small “regional” jet. Short of multiple people who were rescued from their homes by Ricard Simmons having a hole cut in the wall I don’t see how that would throw a plane off balance.

Sounds like a exercise of power to get back at people or just for

Ah, which would be why the driver still asks you where you’re going after you get in. Then asks you to further explain it.


Because I seem to recall officers constantly leaving the car running all the time, even when getting coffe inside the place I worked at.
Car was on ALL the time.

Surely you must have seen them out of the car in a non-emergency scenario a couple times no?

Me driving the car while it’s below freezing inside is one thing. Forcing my two kids age 4 and 1.5 to sit in the car while it’s below freezing inside when I have time to warm it up first is another thing.

But can the police issue tickets on private property?

Interesting point of fact. It is free to drive from Philly to Cherry Hill. Returning to Philly incurs a $5 toll on the bridge. The driver was probably going to have to eat that toll, since it wasn’t part of the ride. I’d guess that’s why he refused.

Which is absolute fucking stupidity and yet another reason why Uber needs to fall under the same rules and jurisdictions as any other cab company. If I call for a taxi they ask where I am and where I’m going. When the driver picks me up they will reaffirm my destination. It’s just common sense.

Where to?

How you hope the night goes

I would love to see a pair of black leather driving gloves as an accessory.

Yeah. Got a few titles as gifts over the holidays so I’ve got a lot to play right now anyway. Witcher 3 and Diablo 3 will keep me busy for quite a while. I maintain PS Plus and Humble Monthly so I get some great titles for practically nothing. I’m a little upset with next months humble...XCOM 2 for $12 (plus whatever

The sooner they get the ball rolling, the better.

I don’t wish it were cheaper, I only wish I had more money.

I usually don’t tolerate “I wish games were cheaper” comments, but the whole, “why don’t you just have money?” counter point is even worse.

Not everyone can afford it. Don’t be a dick.

Buddy, go cool off. Seriously. That was a very long winded reply to something that wasn’t really a ‘rant’, more of a sigh about how he has to wait a bit to enjoy it.

I can understand why Amazon is pushing Alexa, but I cannot understand why people are gobbling it up.

haha, I think I accidentally replied to myself, see below.

ThisGuy gets it.

I wholeheartedly agree, especially as an X5 owner. I own what is arguably the best X5 ever made— the 2003 X5 4.6. It’s all the goodness of the 4.4 X5 but with more power, bigger wheels, every single option, and a super tight suspension. I can drive it like a car around turns with minimal body roll, it’s awesome.