The Dummy Gummy

Volkswagen has asked its mom for some spare cash. Also a hug.

Everything looks like everything else. We know.

Yep. This is a “silver” plan under the ACA. Still cheaper than my old Cobra coverage, which was $1850/mo.

A 16 year old doesn’t need to be beaten up for doing something dumb. No-one does. Fuck off.

You should have stopped at “evidence” because your one example doesn’t negate the hundreds of other examples of a poorly-run campaign.

Shouldn’t have worn that dress

Because if the money stayed with the taxpayers, they would have set it on fire rather than made their own decisions on how to spend it.

You can continue to ignore him. It’s not like your caring one way or the other will have any effect on his tweets or policies.

If only there had been a candidate yelling about cutting military spending to pay for other underfunded government programs like healthcare, education and social security. If only.

This brightened my morning. Thank you! I love this song and never saw the video before!

Honestly for me the rule of thumb is, if I cant afford a new car for 36 months or less then its the wrong car for me. The other rule of thumb is that if its a used car and I cant afford to pay it off in 1 year or less, preferably paying cash, then its not in my budget. Having an auto loan is worse than signing a

This is actually exactly what I imagine Australia to be like in real life, but with more utes and 5-lb. spiders.

That was the first album I ever bought! I can’t believe I never actually saw that video before now (we didn’t have cable so no MTV and network TV’s Friday Night Videos must have not played it much).

came here just for this

This is my new jam. Thanks.

Just put your whole portfolio in a couple penny stocks. Everything goes up forever so no worries right? And just think how much you can make if those really take off!

Laugh at this California driver:

Absolutely 100% this. I nearly spat out my tea when I read “84".

Financed it over long terms (84)

every maroon 300 on the road would give me PTSD after an incident like that.