I know this is going to be a contentious response, but heck with it:
I know this is going to be a contentious response, but heck with it:
Yeah, it looks like a Taurus.
It’s OK, that was something like 20 years ago.
While working in an auto repair shop I went out to test drive a Porsche. My lane ended, but the guy in a pickup wouldn’t let me in slowed down sped up, but the Porsche was able to beat him, I turned off into a neighborhood to turn around and head back but he had followed me, so I stopped and we both got out of our…
Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.
Willingly defaulting on the loan is probably the second worst option this guy could take (second only to committing insurance fraud and getting caught),as the credit hit will be just the start of his problems. He will still be responsible for any deficiency on the loan balance after the default works itself out.
Whatever happened to just buying shit you can afford?
You’re making me sad because we don’t get Dogfishhead in Kansas City. I love Sierra Nevada stout, Lefthand Milk Stout Nitro, Santa Fe Brewing Co. Imperial Java Stout, Tallgrass Buffalo Sweat, Big Sky Moose Drool, there’s tons of them. Also North Coast Ol’ Rasputin is an amazing Russian Imperial Stout that’s 9%. As you…
You’re an animal, I cant get through more than 2 or 3 of those hoppy bastards without getting sick of them.
1973-4 gasoline crisis. “Is today even or odd?” was a common question.
I’m not a hipster but I drink craft beer because I enjoy it and I’m willing to pay more if it means I don’t have drink domestic piss-water like Natural Light, Bud Light, Coors Light, etc.
You have to wait for the Playstation music to change, and then hit download. What should happen is that it will look like it’s downloading for a second, but then you’ll lose your connection to PSN. After that, get up and go to the bathroom—stare into the mirror. Your vision should fade, briefly. Return to the…
Ha! :D
The headline is fairly ridiculous, because you’ll never see a hipster shop for a car that starts at $43k.
#4: the toilet paper is still on the shelf. Get it yourself.
This... at work... other people... I don’t get it.
I’m actually considering buying an XC90, but being manufactured in China would really give me pause. Yes, I admit I have a bias against Chinese manufacturing, and I admit that it’s possible that quality standards could be maintained. But as a lifelong Volvo fan (who learned to drive on a 240) I just think Chinese…