EA, it’s in the game.
EA, it’s in the game.
I think you're overstating things here. I don mind the Z4.
I voted CP ultimately. But.. I’m not feeling CP.
What is the point of buying this at this price? It is too big to truly offroad. Too slow to be fun. Too old to be luxurious. Too gold for my tastes.
I’m sorry, what exactly are you saying? You just kinda made a rambling misogynistic accusation, and then didn’t really support it with any actual details.
It’s a little busy, but overall I think I like it. My F30 looks pretty bland by comparison. I think this looks a lot better than the new 5 and 7 series, so that’s a plus. As someone with a 6 speed manual M-Sport 340i, you’d think I’d bemoan the lack of the option. I’ve spent the last 2 years dailying my F30 (though I…
It really is amazing I’ve been watching him on TV since I was like 8 years old in the 1990s. Everyday French with Pierre S. Cargo!
Agreed. He’s only four years older than I am (I spent many a night in middle school watching him and the rest of the cast of All That), but god damn has he marked out some serious, well-earned success for himself.
Here’s hoping that continues.
Kenan, you’re one of my all-time faves.
See, this is a mistake. Aside from the “nobody buys them” argument, enthusiasts aren’t formed from the ground like Uruk-Hai. They’re created in their teens and twenties when they buy that third hand E46 with a 6 speed. They grow up. Go to college. The one day they CAN afford that M4. These folks, like me, should be…
His race to shave minutes.........puts on sunglasses............shaved inches. YYYEEEAAAHHHHHH!
I’m glad I had the chance to go when it was only slightly crowded. This would drive me crazy.
I hope you’re familiar with the “Write two letters” story.
If you want to make yourself relatable to enthusiasts, cut out the buzzwords. That stuff looks great on a PowerPoint slide, but leaves a greasy film of distrust in a forum.
We don’t say that when someone walks off the lot with a brand new Range Rover. Its funny how the fiscal argument comes into play more often when its a low dollar car. Its a car. They depreciate. This one probably has another 20% to drop before it hits the sweet spot in the curve BUT, who cares? Its 24k. Even if it…
You know he is at Autotrader/Oversteer?