
That brings me back!

My friends and I are were there in June and were joking about that. We ended up with a Chrysler 300 (pretty nice actually) and a Chevy Equinox (meh). And yes, we did stop at Costco.

My mom’s ‘01 RX300 and her ‘04 RX330 both had a space between the shifter and storage console where she would put her purse. The salesman on the RX300 actually used it as a selling point since she naturally put it there when test driving.

It used to be six months, but this changed to 90 days in 2012. They are closing it in 2019 with AE516. Either way like you said, I’ve been rolling around with no plates for five months. I would have been fine, except I got stopped for something else and the officer gave me a “break” by giving me a fix-it ticket for

Seriously. It’s like an ‘04.

I sent this over to my mom since we’ve gone a few times in the past.

My coworker has this on his cube!

I once dated a girl that drove a Sebring. When I last talked to her a couple of years later, she still had it and it had just broken down. I offered to connect her with my friend at VW, but she declined.

Came here with the same question.

I’m currently in a Chrysler 300 rental with one of those. It’s not horrible, but we don’t really like it. I figure it takes some getting used to.

Seriously. My friend had ankle surgery and had one for that. A group of us went to dinner and as we got out of the car, I heard someone at the restaurant say “which one of them is handicapped?” People are so nosey.

10 minutes? More like 1. 2 if you take your time.

Does anyone remember this?

I live in LA and it’s close to an hour and a half to either of our two closest tracks (85 miles or 130 miles for me), I’m not sure anyone would want to do that kind of distance in that.

He bought a Jag and it had problems.

they’re going to say: “I don’t know… a Honda?”

Awesome reference!

Uh, I work in IT and know what Jalopnik is. I actually am reponsable for the web filter too. We block by categories and it’s up to the vendor to decide what’s in them. Though, we can submit individual sites as being incorrectly categorized.

I feel like these aren’t as unobtainable as you might think. They are everywhere around here (almost as popular as Maseratis have become) and I know someone who got one used.