
Jesus Christ. Because white men don't rape? Racist POS

White men have never raped women? What’s your point, dude? That restricting Muslims from entering [insert country here] will stop crime? Are you thinking this through or just ranting shit-hate-talk out to vent?

How about you go fuck yourself, signed, a white person from the Commonwealth

Because God know white christian men have never visited violence upon women in Australia. Get real.

Maybe there’s a reason that Aussies don’t want certain cultures immigrating into their country.

“The same cultures that are responsible for Sweden becoming the per capita rape capital of the Western World.” Complete and utter lie. Nice try.

Ah yes, let’s judge people based on their last names. Djohan is most commonly from Indonesia, Khumar is Indian, Latif is Arabic, so a fairly wide range of cultures, languages and belief systems.

That’s the OP’s point?

Maybe let us Australians figure out who we don’t want in our country, thanks.

The shocking thing is that the racist is a Patriots fan.

Some Aussies are racist shitbags who judge entire cultures by a few examples of scumhood, sure.

Would you like to know why no one takes that argument seriously? Because the people making it do not give a flying fig about rape unless they can use it for their own unrelated purposes.

You’re forgiven. It’s not like white Canadians are any better. Good luck with the drought.

We are absolute rubbish sometimes.

Considering Australia had a race riot in the early 2000's is another sign the place is messed up.

This has been lots of fun (sarcasm mode, obviously) over here, because the shitbats of Australia are having to choose between losing a chance to be rape apologists or losing a chance to be racist about brown people.