I seriously doubt this is about the toxic part of Rick and Morty’s fanbase. This is all about CN not wanting to spend the money that Harmon and Roiland believe they are owed to create another season.
I seriously doubt this is about the toxic part of Rick and Morty’s fanbase. This is all about CN not wanting to spend the money that Harmon and Roiland believe they are owed to create another season.
What’s so special about being at work?
You’re upset because her clothing wasn’t sufficiently modest? Ew.
The level of hysterical outrage in your post is precious. Which Nazi-apologist speakers are invited onto campuses to talk precisely? Ben Shapiro? Jordan Peterson? Christina Hoff Sommers? Charles Murray? Milo Yiannopolous? Essentially: every goddamn speaker who doesn’t follow your far Left ideological purity test. Case…
Take a nap, Chicken Little.
If you mean his personal opinion, not often. But Real Time is still a good show.
Here’s a thought. Are you perfect? Must be nice. Not everyone is a social justice warrior with zero fear. I dgaf about Bush, but this whole he should have stepped up is Monday morning quarterbacking. He isn’t the one who said it, nor has he abused anyone. Just. Stop.
Social Courage is what no one has in any actual social situation, therefore, this term only exists in theory.
Wakanda has a Gungan force field!
But what about Luigi’s pixel penis? I’d imagine that depends on the size of the screen. I call it my “Genital Theory of Relativity”.
I think Beerman is drunk or on meth or meth drunk.
Yeah, he sounds like ‘difficult talent’.
On the one hand I identify where he’s coming from, because we’ve all had to do jobs we didn’t like for the money. On the other hand, it annoys me when high profile actors complain about ‘paycheck’ roles like they suffered so much (which he honestly probably didn’t).
I read this article and can’t shake that feeling of when one person says everyone else is the problem, look at the common denominator. I don’t really know. Maybe it’s because the last few things I’ve seen him in, he played the villain.
How am I racist? How is race even involved in this story?
What is wrong with being angry about injustice?
How are you, the anti-trans person, less hateful than me? I hate your hatefulness...that’s a double negative, which means I like compassion.
That Venn diagram has significant overlap.
“Looks like your mom raised a hypocrite!”
Who is stopping you from calling it Mother’s Day?
Moms...are a race?
Ask yourself this, when was the last time a film critic swayed you, honestly?