
Hell, I don't even have kids and I would buy their anti-Trump alphabet book.

I have never seen more RVs in a place that isn’t a campground or RV storage facility than when I visited the Reagan Library out in Simi back in '09.

Agreed. I have no idea what the job of “RV Spokesperson” pays but I assume that getting fired will lead to a lot of publicity for the Herzog’s publishing business and that revenue stream will get replaced real quick.

The book in question was The Emperor’s New Clothes. When asked for comment, Greg Gerber didn’t give a flying fuck that it was originally published in the 1800s.

The day after the election is going to be one of the most epic internet days ever. I’m going to take the day off and watch the crazy right come unglued.

Considering the vast majority of RV buyers are retirees and retirees are overwhelmingly conservative (unfortunately), this just seems like a smart business move on the part of the RVIA. I am with the Herzogs on Trump, but I can’t blame the RVIA for not wanting that to hurt their business.

Well weed might be legal, but being brown/black still isn’t.

What’s crazy is that I actually was a huge fan of his early stuff (All Falls Down is still a favorite of mine). I remember waiting up until midnight to buy one of his later albums on iTunes in high school.

Seriously. My first thought about this video is that he comes off as desperate. Remember when Kanye’s talent spoke for itself? Just saying as someone who really loved his first two albums, not sure if you are or were a fan. Dude has fallen so far. Making a video featuring the naked wax figures of every person he’s

I’m so weary of Kanye West. I know shock performance artists who are less up their own ass than he is. This is some tired shit.

I’ve already done my part by giving that nonsensical John Wick a 1. That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

Nobody cares about Chuck Norris. If you want revenge, go after NCIS.

Or, we could just not take online ratings seriously. Who are these weirdos who rate shit on imdb or take an imdb rating into consideration when deciding whether or not to watch a show?

Perhaps you could explain something to me? Do dudes mean #allmen or is there a specific subset of men who fall under the dude category?

The obvious solution is for all us bitches to start down-voting the piss-poor movies that don’t pass the Bechdel test(yes, all those ones you didn’t rate but watched on HBO because whatever you’re paying for it anyway, might as well or because your s/o wanted to watch it or your brother or whatever who cares). Let’s


I once had a conversation with a guy who was incredibly angry and offended that I liked the show, Girls. He went on and on about how awful it was, how puerile, how infantile, how idiotic these girls were, how selfish, and what bad acting the show produced. He couldn’t figure out why anyone would ever watch that show.