Bell Swerve

Perhaps the showrunners thought they had quite a few young female characters/actresses (Dany, Arya, Sansa, Margaery, Theon's sister) and didn't need more.

I feel the show is including stuff about the consequences on the common folk in Meereen, Kings Landing, and the Night's Watch/wildlings, but those people are usually presented quite unsympathetically as ungrateful and dumb.

I think Book Doran's imprisonment of the Sand Snakes is the biggest change from the TV show, in which he just sees them as rebellious.

Yes, I'm looking forward to catching up with Littlefinger because he made a major step against the Crown which hasn't worked out for its primary beneficiary, Roose Bolton. His only supporters are in the Vale, perhaps Riverrun as well. The Northern Lords wont be sympathetic to him unless Sansa communicates that he

I'm thinking Edd will return with a wildling group who will distract Thorne etc. The Night's Watch must be down to only a few dozen fighters now so if Thorne is practical he will bargain with them, perhaps giving them Jon's body.

If Clarke hadn't been there I'm pretty sure Bellamy would have made the same call at MW, especially once there was a gun to Octavia's head. He also wasn't under Clarke's control in Season 1 - within a day of landing on Earth he was the delinquents' leader, enforcing it through charisma, age, and having a gun. Even

Also I am so surprised at how much I like Murphy. He is one of the best acted and written characters on the show. The creatives seem to have a clear idea of what to do with him. I am looking forward to seeing what he will do about the ALIE chips. He has rejected it before but seems to give in to torture (who can blame

Maybe Roan will come back into it e.g. the Ice Nation breaks free from the coalition when the AI shit hits the fan.

I attributed it to the actors too - their hug before Bryan went off to slaughter the village Miller had helped warn was really awkward. The last few episodes they've had more chemistry though.

Before the boyfriend turned up there was a bit of a fandom for Miller getting together with Monty, and there have been some little hints there. I thought Pike might have been the end of Miller & Bryan but Bryan came through.

I think Fallen Angel might have been meaning the Mount Weather slaughter which Bellamy assisted Clarke in. Raven-ALIE was right when she said he got no credit for that.

Great episode. Loved Emori coming back and Ontari showing she's a stupid child playing at being commander. I really didn't expect Jaha and ALIE to go straight to the Heda, I guess Murphy gave them a way in. I wonder when Abby is going to get some screentime. Also now that Ontari is under ALIE's control how will Pike

The third time Bellamy has been culpable for the death of 300 people in fact.

He was horrible before Mount Weather fell though.

I thought Bellamy was going to pretend to tie himself up then jump on Emerson when he was grandstanding to Clarke.

Meh, I liked Sinclair but the cast is too large for the many talented actors to get more than a minute's screentime.

But after the events of last season they had no compelling reason to trust Lexa would stick with any treaty or deal she had made with Kane. He didn't consult them about joining as a clan or not seeking direct justice for the bombing of Mt Weather. Could they trust no Ice Nation'ers weren't amongst those 300 grounders?

No, she made it to Camp Jaha/Arkadia just before and reunited with Bellamy & Octavia to search for Finn. They found him just after he started shooting.

Flight 462 will have run out of fuel days ago so if the characters show up on FTWD my bet is it made an emergency landing at sea and the Abigail will come across some of the survivors on a lifeboat (hopefully the young woman who knitting needled the toilet walker).

There would probably be gossip in Arkadia that Clarke was infatuated with Lexa. It would have been cool to show that side of Arkadia life.