Bell Swerve

Eww no thanks, I think Clarke won't be romantically involved with another commander. I suspect the next one will be Emori, the Ice Queen's mystery nightblood.

Good point. I love that everyone only has part of the picture. Clarke's life would be so much simpler if men would stop being morons, although I suppose the main villain now is female (ALIE).

I didn't enjoy her being politically naive or chewing Clarke out (although she's great at it) but I imagine she is hugely conflicted about Skaikru because removing its leadership means taking out Bellamy. She probably just wants to get her friends and loved ones out and leave Pike's group to starve.

Same, he killed her with a gun as well which is a Skaikru weapon. I'm looking forward to see the Conclave.

The Bellamy development was rushed but a reasonable thing to do with his character given his behaviour in S1. He will get lots of screen time and redemption the rest of the season, they just front loaded the AI and Lexa/Polis storylines to fit them in with ADC's availability.

She really got such a great send off and as you say it made the commander and AI connection explicit. A lovely moment with Clarke as well, it didn't feel cheap to me.

Haha that's true! I quite enjoy watching a character who has no honour or loyalty and isn't working 'for the greater good'. Murphy is fun when he's in that mode.

I was living for her sneaking in and out of Arkadia and the confrontation with Bellamy. The two actors spark off each other really well. She was a small fish in Polis but huge player amongst the Sky people an if they didn't need her before they sure do now.

What I'm getting from this is that shooting schedules often change so the primary network (Fox) should limit how much outside work its stars can do.

You might have to wait until the second half of the season as Eliza isn't scheduled to be in the next ep.

Or we'll just think that Roan is a good guy and he'll end up taking over in a bad way. I don't know if Arkadia can survive another season so maybe there will be the 12 tribes +Skaikru at war.

Yep, we all knew it was coming but then she just suddenly when and bit the dust. Nice for Clarke to get a goodbye and we got the AI stuff from it.

Really satisfying episode. I am sad to see Lexa and ADC go but her death moves the plot on. We also finally got backstory on the apocalyptic event and explanation of the AI and nightbloods. Clarke is finally leaving her political career and can go back to being a badass.

How To Train You Dragon 1+ 2 are great, he can be proud of them.
The rest not so much.

I'm ok with this. Fellowes is better at dialogue (particularly one liners) than plot so an adaptation of a book series is perfect.

Calvin Valentine AND Lovejoy, sign me the fuck up!

He shouldn't be a movie star at all. He is great in his role in the Divergent series because he is playing an asshole, same for Whiplash but it's going to be hard for him to be a protagonist. Like the guy who plays Murphy in The 100, sometimes people got to play to their strengths/faces.

Box office smash then.

Hope the movie drives home that point.

I've seen David play a British spy in two shows - Spooks (MI5) and Complicit - so that's probably why I like him for Bond, although he didn't do many action scenes. Tom is also playing a spy-type in The Night Manager and fits it like a glove. Both of them could be too successful in America to want to take on a huge