Bell Swerve

CPR didn't work on Lincoln, they'd still need the special electric baton thing to give the shock. And I bet skicru weren't sharing those Mt Weather supplies. It would have been cool if Nyko & Abby had set up a little station catching and curing reapers.

Good comparison. The sky people probably hated Kane and Abby anyway after what they did on the Ark to keep control and were just waiting for another leader to come along. They followed Clarke last season very easily.

I don't think he warmed that much to Indra. He made a crack about how grounders were big on kill orders in episode 1 and I think he doesn't buy into their culture at all. He scoffed at the idea of Wanheda. He would be a terrible ambassador having to sit and watch ceremonies and talk about spirits leaving commanders

They better hope they properly stocked up on Mount Weather supplies because they won't be free to hunt and grow veg (beyond those small allotments) after they've killed hundreds of local people. Terrible long-term strategy.

I agree but I will be sad to lose it. It's interesting that they're the only siblings in the Ark. When a grounder said to Clarke she had killed his brother she was like 'nbd, they attacked me' whilst being super emotional and resentful of her dad dying.

It would have been interesting if they'd made something of Pike having been a teacher on the Ark. He probably knew almost everyone under 30 and his subject (earth skills) meant that he spent all his life focussing on surviving an environment with no other people. The existence of grounders really f'ed his dream.

Agree about Bellamy. Bob said in an interview that Bellamy is an enforcer not a leader this season and that's very true with how he's acting. His loyalty is very interesting though because it often goes against his sister's safety, which was priority A for him being on earth (I was amazed he forgave Clarke after she

I really like Bellamy and Raven's friendship and she was tight with Gina so I hope that even with how she likes a good explosion she goes "WTF no way is this morally justified or strategically smart'. Though she thought Finn should be allowed off his massacre so she hasn't got the wisest head about grounder mass

Nah, Thelonius's preachy hubris is only bearable with Murphy's snark.

Most of them have been though? A lot have had nothing to do with grounders other than when they are under attack. They seem quite a naive bunch who are desperate for leaders to reassure them the future isn't awful.

Agree about Pike and would also add that the members of Arkadia see an army camped outside and will trust the person who seems to be 'with' them (rather than Kane and Abby who still act like they're on the Ark, making decisions behind the scenes). People probably hold resentments against the former council members

Bob Morley is a fabulous actor. They really hit the jackpot with him because they auditioned for Asshole Bellamy from early S1 and ended up with a guy who can play romantic action hero and give motivational speeches. And he still does a great asshole. Imagine if they cast the guy who played Finn as Bellamy :O

Yeah I don't think it was really out of character either. He HATED grounders in S1 and talked about wiping out a whole village with grenades. I wish they had shown him be more impulsive and distraught though as he knows how many grounders there are (unlike in S1). It was just 1 episode too soon I think, they should

She was being a bit stoopid last episode trying to arm the missile but she was stressed so I'll forgive her.

I love the Blake siblings' relationship and will be gutted to lose that.

That was a waste. I thought they were showing her friendship with Gina to provide a counterpoint to Bellamy's. Maybe they'll show her next episode being "WTF dude, that's not what Gina would have wanted."

Maybe the demand from the other clans will be to kill Clarke and she won't be able to so they run away (although that would shit on her characterisation rather).

Pike's sway over Bellamy could have been believable if they'd emphasised that he was his teacher all those years ago. He probably taught everyone under 30 still alive, he could have got many acolytes (wtf was Monty's mom doing there?!).

Especially from a teenager who doesn't seem to have any role in Arkadia, a group/society that formed when he was being fed chocolate cake in Mt Weather. All these kids grew up on the Ark, they're all screwed.

Agree. They've also shown that Bellamy is a'ok with killing people (he's done several grounders already this season) but a surprise attack on sleeping people? I don't buy that. Perhaps next episode they'll show him getting cold feet.