Bell Swerve

Oh Lexa got her revenge, a dish served very cold. Lexa's patience and long-term cunning is one of my fave things about her. She let the Ice Queen come at her then took her out in a way that didn't threaten her own safety.

That's it though I think? He seemed pretty anti Indra in S3.1. Even amongst the Sky crew Bellamy seemed to only care about the kids he was in charge of those first few weeks (+ Raven and Gina).

it would have been interesting if he'd been revealed as the person who got Pike the guns before leaving grounders and Sky ppl to slaughter each other.

Aside from the ethical collapse, the Bellamy plot just makes it seem like he has no strategic brain at all. In S1 he wishes he could wipe out grounder villages but he now knows how many grounders are out there and that they wouldn't take losing a few hundred lightly. He also knows Octavia isn't in immediate danger.

S1 was so fascinating seeing how he took control of that camp from very first day and what he did to impose his rule. And to see Raven never cow-tow to it. I wonder how much of it was because he was several years older than them and how much was his physicality (he was the tallest and strongest).

I figure Sky Crew are stretched thin, security-wise. Maybe 30 trained & armed protecting a few hundred people. They seem to have a couple of dozen at Arcadia at any one time, Kane had a few with him (who died) and Bellamy and Pike were stationed at Mount Weather before leaving. Maybe there were some others at Mt

Damn, after last week I was hopeful they wouldn't rush ahead but Bellamy was so weird in this episode (and not in a 'he's grieving') way. They could at least have shown Raven - who would be mourning her buddy Gina and hates Grounders - egging him on.

Good point. I love that The 100 has lines going right through it and each of the kids had some history that lead to them being on the ship in the first place.
Like The Walking Dead I can't picture a future that is peaceful enough for a happy ending but for The 100 it's because the characters have made such shattering

Did anyone really care much about Farm crew though (I know i didn't). They weren't Bellamy's people (although the show could have shown him bonding with them). It tends to be that the audience needs one identifiable person to suffer to feel the impact and Monty's mom got spared.

I suppose it depends what he thinks about her ordering Finn's death (which I completely agree with). They didn't really show what Bellamy thought of it except for trying to be a hero to save him.

Ah but before that she shut the dropship door, leaving him to die outside (had to be done though).

I really want a verbal showdown between Bellamy and Lexa. Their styles of leadership are so opposite and Bellamy has a lot to blame her for.

"The Gina fridging plot was a lazy misstep. Bellamy didn't need the death of a romantic partner to motivate him"

And you are taking this way too seriously.

Agreed, and I would really like to see a pairing that didn't turn romantic (although they would be so hot together). The network is really onto a good thing with the team behind this show, there are so many avenues to go down and it could run and run if they have good audience figures.

The Sky people may be diminished but their weaponry can kill hundreds of Lexa's tree crew and they have a location advantage being on high ground. From the preview for next episode we might see this play out. Things look conflicty!

I'd enjoy seeing them get it on because the actors have fantastic chemistry and are really hot but it might ruin the show as at least one would be moping afterwards. It seems clear that Clarke has a huge effect on Bellamy but her character arc seems entwined with Lexa. It's kind of a shame the writers offed his

I'm looking forward to seeing where they go with Murphy, there's a lot of potential there.

Fantastic and what a fun job! I'm going to make sure i tune in to watch it live to boost the international numbers. It's so stressful loving a show whose renewal isn't confirmed (see also Penny Dreadful).