Bell Swerve

Haha there are so many things i miss until I read a comments section.

I think the bellarke hints are open to interpretation. Clarke worries more when Bellamy is in danger or away from her than she does for pretty much any other person since Finn died and he was profoundly shaken when he saw her a captive in 3.2. In Season 2 she said she couldn't lose him, then after Lexa said

I really don't see how that scene diminished Clarke at all. Yes she cares for Lexa but this episode was about whether she can place trust in Lexa ever again and is her place at Lexa's side pushing for peace or back with the Sky people defending them. It's also about Clarke's understanding of her own actions at Ton DC.

It's definitely kudos to Richard Harmon's performance but also the writers seem to sit back between seasons and think of individual arcs for every character, which is really impressive.

I'm so impressed that this show got us to like Murphy and hate Jaha considering where they stood in the early episodes.

Aw you just reminded me that Clarke deserted him in both season finales.

Agree with a lot of this although people give Echo too much credit for 'saving Bellamy'. She actually just helped him kill a Mountain man who she hated, which is not the same thing. Maybe her telling him to be quiet when he woke up in the cage was good but she didn't lay down her life for him.

i don't know, killing Clarke would have ruined her alliance with the Sky people so there was some acting with her head.

You need to not type 'bellarke' into tumblr or twitter. I went from an appreciation of a platonic m/f friendship to seeing romance in every glance.

The big change regarding Kane is when it was revealed that it wasn't him who arranged for Bellamy to shoot Jaha but that blonde lady. My opinion did a 180 and he suddenly had my interest and my respect for the show grew.

Ooo yes I remember now about those contraceptive implants needing removing in ep 1…

Same, I really hated Kane and Bellamy in the first few episodes and thought they were boo hiss villains and now I love them and root for them. Kane even makes Abby bearable.

It reminded me how young she is and also that she grew up trapped under a metal floor and probably has no desire to be trapped in a metal mountain. Octavia + outdoors are my fave pairing.

Bellamy knew more Mount Weather folk but he also saw what they were doing to survive with the bone marrow and had killed quite a few of them in cold blood. Also I think Jasper's been Suffering enough for all of them. Next to him what would be the point of Bellamy outwardly showing pain about the events of Mount

Too soon to tell if this will re-angst Bellamy (who i actually think is one of the least angsty characters, young or old). Since mid S1 he's been surprisingly level-headed and able to cope, and very practical. My guess is that this will just turn him against Clarke. Which will be sad to watch but great for the show.

I don't much care for City of Light stuff because I like that the show feels 'real', even the need for blood transfusions when people can't get sunlight. I'd rather it be a huge misdirect than another evil supercomputer story.

I felt Clarke was trying to get some power back from Lexa by showing that she agency (and weapons), rather than actually wanting to kill her.

I don't know how radios work but perhaps Abby and Kane's walkie/radio was synced with the one in the jeep and Raven's was synched only with Bellamy's. I scoffed about the long range of the signal though.

I think getting access to the missiles was to protect the Sky people and the mountain in case the grounders (or some of them) came to attack post-assassination. I wasn't that sure though.

Yeah I don't really get that #bellarke is definite endgame. I think the writers are setting up lots of interesting avenues and are leaving relationships and loyalties open.