Bell Swerve

I think they were searching for the missile codes because if the Sky people's leaders were being killed at the summit the grounders would have come to the mountain to wipe out the rest of them.

Enjoy! Any idea when the season is airing in UK?

I loved Indra smiling!

I wondered last week if Niko wasn't actually RH null but Jackson said he was to get Abby to agree to them using Mount Weather…

Enjoyed this episode and the season so far. I get people being upset when Lexa betrayed Clarke in S2, and it was a shock to me, but it really made sense. Lady let a whole village get bombed for long term strategy. Lexa had no love for the Sky people who killed a lot of her crew and didn't even mildly punish Finn when

I figured that after they killed those poor folk at the bottom of the ladder Echo said she would follow them climbing up and they didn't notice she hadn't. More deaths on Bellamy's conscience..

There's been talk of an Ethan episode for a while and you're right that they do need to wrap things up. I would love the show to run and run but I feel there will only be 9 more episodes so they need to reform the team to fight Lily&Dorian and Dracula. I wonder if Vanessa will have a vision of Ethan in trouble and go

Seducing Ethan though…

I was thinking "How very odd for Ethan having a life reading the newspaper" but then I remembered that they often show him reading a book or newspaper on the show. He's quite cultured really.

I wonder if at the start of next season we'll find Victor having gone cold-turkey at Lyle's house. There needs to be some resolution to his addiction as he's fairly rock bottom with it.

Same. We were all waiting for them to meet this season (and for Ethan to punch Victor) and its ended with him travelling far away.

He might be having to regather after his big plan with Mina failed. He lost three of his vampires and lots of lady vamps in the attempt so he's spent the past few months plotting (and it's only been 3-4 full moons since end S1).

It's an outstanding cast. Rory Kinnear is one of the finest Shakespearean actors of his generation (his Hamlet was incredible) and Simon Russell Beale is arguably the best of his. Helen McCrory is also an acclaimed stage actress and Sarah Greene got Tony and Olivier nominations in 2013/4. And that's before we get to

I wanted a short scene of him doing Vanessa's hair for balls and such social events.

I suspect that Lyle was so popular season 1 that John Logan beefed up the role for S2, at the expense of Sembene. Which was fine with me because Lyle >> Sembene.

I didn't realise how much I wanted Dorian to be a villain until he killed Angelique. I'd been fooling myself that he should join the Scooby Gang and help save/protect Vanessa.

They could shoot some America scenes on a set in Dublin but I don't expect the show will be there more than a couple of episodes - it's too strongly rooted in Victorian London and the Murray house.

No, please no, being Malcolm's child means certain death and I'm fond of Van.

Apart from when Vanessa was possessed the enemies in S1 were the vampires (and behind them Dracula). I'm guessing next season not only will brothers Dracula and Satan be fighting for Vanessa, they will be fighting each other. Hope Ethan's still around!

The painting terrified me! it was much worse than i imagined so I might not survive it getting more horrifying.