Bell Swerve

Same. I also thought/hoped that Ramsay wouldn't be abusive from night one. He could have tried to 'train' her by tricking her into thinking he cared for her.

I don't think she has gained any power. None. Cersei became mother of princes, Dany won the Khal's heart and support (and escaped Viserys) but we know Ramsay is much more likely to lock her in her room and brutalise her like he did Theon. If anything she has less power because she has lost a very valuable thing in her

No way did Sansa believe she was going to be raped when she agreed to go to Winterfell. Even when she got there Ramsay was acting gentlemanly and Baelish was telling her she would be in control. They didn't know the Bastard Bolton was a sadist. She's probably also a bit confused about Roose after growing up with him

Ah ok. I really need to re-watch those episodes.

So Stannis is finally on the march to Winterfell. How big is Westeros? How long will it take him to get there? He'll be much quicker than Bran of course but will it be weeks or months? I can't remember how long it took Tyrion in Season 1 to travel there and back.

I think Bran made Sam promise not to say anything because if Jon knew he would go after him/them. Others too, probably. It is still dangerous to be a Stark heir.

Not just the stray woman (prostitute?), the lamp lighter also got got that night. He's racking up quite the body count.

Very much enjoying this show, sad that I didn't try it sooner but that meant I box-setted S1. Now one episode a week feels like punishment.
What a treat Simon Russell Beale is. I adored his scenes with Josh, Ethan certainly knows how to leave a man wanting more. Simon, Helen McCrory and Rory Kinnear are three of the

I enjoyed Ethan/Josh's face where he waited for Lyle to come up with a good cover story. Did he then fake an English accent when he said goodbye or not even try?

I think it's also the manner of death. From the scars Proteus and Caliban/John needed their skulls patching up whereas Brona just got smothered. I strongly expect her memories to come back soon, although there could be a psychological block given her life was pretty terrible (exc. Ethan).

I enjoyed their scene much more than I thought. Caliban/Creature/John seemed so flattered by her attention.

Oscar Wilde would have been fine and dandy if he hadn't sued his lover's father for slander/libel. The authorities then investigated him for sodomy.
I would love it if she made a Chandler doll (not that I want more dead babies) and it didn't work because wolf heart. I reckon she's going to try the old fashioned way and

Ethan flirting is always charming but "don't swoon on me" made me clap my hands with delight.

I thought the Mariner's Inn situation was more that it was the full moon and Ethan/the wolf was suddenly threatened (on top of emotion from Brona dying) so the change was automatic/natural. I'm not sure if he's realised the full moon link yet.
Although the wolfing did empower him to kill the agents (and everyone else)

Oh there's plenty of tales but one that sticks out is a British band (I think CHVRCHS) said he was just terrible when they met him.

lol i walked right into that one

And he probably didn't even do it.

You just know there are more recent videos of him saying horrible stuff, except those will be about women, gay people, disabled people or his fans. And yet beliebers will still support him.

He is such an awful person

It's going to be internet only via iPlayer but I don't know when that's starting