Bell Swerve

The extras who play the zombies will surely disappoint. I can't see this going well.

Oooo I'm interested in this

Yes. Game on, I say

Bless you for these gifs we have been given

I can't imagine who would buy this when it's been available free online for years. It's by all accounts terribly badly written.

I also am more familiar with Britpop than US bands, although I vaguely recall a string of failure to launch boy bands that had snazzy dance moves and a minority member or two. In the UK there was Damage, Another Level and JLS that played 'urban' music. But the biggest acts in the UK over the past 20 years have been

Nah, Zayn's the new Timberlake whereas Harry Styles is the new Robbie Williams - an entertaining, media friendly performer who doesn't need to sing note perfect and can survive a tonne of gay rumours.

Michael Jackson had several fresh faces, the last of which would have been younger than those five at the top.

The minority guy actually has the best voice, for once. And he is stunningly, swooningly beautiful. His original audition was pretty bad though so maybe they did want some diversity. Or just a member who wouldn't look ridiculous singing R&B had they gone that way. The others' voices suit pop rock much better though so

50 Shades of Grey started off as Twilight fan fiction. There is no escape!

That bicep is just a hint of the One Direction homoerotic universe. At the weekend the blonde and Mr Yellow Jacket ("Narry") recreated the pottery scene from Ghost. To the delight of fans. Type in "Larry fanfic" into google or "ziam" into tumblr and see what you get out… Or just watch the video of Kiss You.