
Appreciate the reply! Just wanted to see your view point explained.

No. He hacked the system to expose a vulnerability. He performed the work of a consultant pro bono. The hotel should pay him.

Ha-ha totally agree. That guy is clueless. What he did can hardly be considered hacking. No more than accidentally seeing someone entering in their pin on a phone. And he had the respect to tell them. Plus the idea that he did damage or could have done damage is just fear mongering from someone who doesn’t understand

It’s people like you that are the problem with, well, everything.

Lenovo from 3 years or more ago? yes they were great. Lenovo today? 100% junk across the line.

Okay. I just reevaluated my life. It says putting food on the table is more important than saving a few minutes a day - even in 2016. I’ve seen, used and experienced SSDs. It’s very hard to use HDDs now. It’s just that it’s harder to not have money for other necessities.

Had the U.S. government not repeatedly demonstrated its willingness and ability to recklessly and lawlessly invade the privacy of millions of Americans, perhaps we would not need to take such an absolutist stand. As things stand, encryption is a necessary bulwark against total human surveillance — just as the

And in Diviance case, he/she seems to think that as long as someone can think it, then it will definitely happen. It’s bizarre.

This is one of the goofy things about software engineering. People who don’t know anything about it, for some reason, end up arguing with the people who do it that it must be possible, and not that hard, to do the things that the actual folks who work in the field say they can’t do.

No, I think that just because you say something can exist doesn’t necessarily mean it will. And until you can explain exactly how you can put a back door into standard phone encryption that doesn’t allow the people with access to it to have access to everyone’s data on that phone platform, you’re pissing in the wind.

But I also believe that there should be ways to get around it. Ways to ensure only people with appropriate, legal access can use it.

Yeah, that’s not how the burden of proof works, but you seem to be pretty invested in this “there is a way to do it even though I have absolutely no idea what that way is or how it would work” thing, so don’t let me dissuade you.

“I don’t believe...” is not a phrase you should be using in this discussion. If it’s a matter of belief, please walk down to the philosophy and/or theology departments. When it comes to science and technology, something is either a fact or it’s not.

Just because you think something should exist doesn’t mean it does or can exist. I’m not sure why you don’t realize that.

That’s true on the most basic level. However, the ac and ad standards are more robust than that. Beamforming, for example, keeps signal strength and collision issues to a minimum (within reason) and the multiple antennas are actually capable of isolating individual devices into their own collision domains. On tri-band

But if you have a media server feeding the rest of your house, then these speeds do matter. Not everyone streams their videos directly from the internet.

Because you made such a big deal of it in the first place. YOU are the one that started the nonsense with “ugh, such a terrible name”. You could have simply left it as “I don’t like the name”, but you had to cast a judgement on it, even though there’s plenty of people in the world that think it’s a perfectly good