dumb witch

Okay, I’d like some clarification on this one because I’ve heard that “American Indians” is gaining traction and that some Native Americans actually refer to themselves with this term. (????)

Indians is fine. Lots of people prefer it.

Can I reply to you with a “they’re called Native Americans”?

Apparently it’s not Halloween until we have our first racist celebrity costume.

Hillary Duff (Flock of Dudes, Raising Hope) and her celebrity trainer-boyfriend Jason Walsh fucked up with their

I think it’s more like;

You never disappoint.

What a shame. This pair would have given us so many quality memes.

I’d be amiss if I didn’t suggest you look up Reconstructionism as well then. The big “conflict” in paganism right now is between Wiccans and eclectics that say “take whatever you like and use it how you like and be yourself” and the more conservative position of Recons and hard polytheists that these traditions have

Nah. “Goodwoman” and “Goodhusband.” Let’s try that for a couple thousand years or so.

If it’s not one of the abrahamic faiths, it’s satanism apparently. And they are completely serious, to the point of having genuine moral dilemmas about doing yoga.

There’s also a lot of freakout because it’s non- (even anti-) Patriarchal, hence the panic about a goddess-themed pendant.

They’re conflated with the occult in the Judeo-Christian tradition. To be fair, more than a few of them also involve themselves in that stuff. The woman in the picture up there has a crystal ball, which is straight up occult. I’ve met a lot that joke about devil worship and the like too and that spooks some