
Total strangers usually don’t have an issue with “dad time” at the park but when they find out that this is how everyday is, some people react like you either failed at life (what a waste of a man) or are a slacking bastard (I bet his poor wife does everything) because you aren’t working at a job.

This and the rest of the comments.....

Been on this site for years, and I still haven't figured out which tragedies it's OK to make fun of and which ones it isn't.

It took the hospital 8 hours to officially pronounce him dead because he was so good at flopping.

Brian, the mobile version (being developed by Nexon) and Grandmasters are completely separate games. One is a new version of the original game and the other is a brand new game set in XI's world.

You are missing Founder's Breakfast Stout!

only carefully placed thermite charges could have broken a man's ribs in the manner seen here

Even just copying and pasting that, youhave to see how it makes no sense.

That really clears it up, especially about Coit, thanks!

First reference, put the dude's first and last name and his association with Kraska. Journalism 101. Even when you're stealing somebody else's reporting.

The most famous Villalobos I know is Esmerelda Villalobos from "Pulp Fiction". I always wondered what happened to her after she dropped off Butch. Good to know she went to J-School and became best friends with Kraska.

According to [Firstname] Villalobos, Kraska's producer at CBS 8 and friend:

Do what my editors told me - read the story out-loud. If you say a name or a quote without attribution, it should sound weird to you. Your ears should pick up what your mind is assuming we know.

Yeah, that's not how it's done. You didn't set those quotes up well at all if that's how you were gonna use them. Own it and learn from it, don't act like he's asking stupid questions.

Fuck that noise Kevin, these kids and their ADHD nowadays.

Even so, the references in the quotes provide only smattering of details. Villalobos whom? I get they're Kraska's producer, but a full name would be good. And just because Coit's name has some business relationship with Montana, we don't know what, nor do we have a full name for that guy.

Villalobos must be so famous that they go one name only even on first mention like with LeBron or Kobe.

Thanks for clearing that up...I guess.

Who is Villalobos?

Am I alone in thinking DP has a pretty good show? I mean, Mclovin gets on my nerves but I'm fairly sure that's his intended purpose. But when I work from home, it's DP I keep on for ambient distraction.