Red Dead Redemption - as in, the first Red Dead Redemption, not Red Dead Redemption 2. There were no microtransactions in Red Dead Redemption.
Red Dead Redemption - as in, the first Red Dead Redemption, not Red Dead Redemption 2. There were no microtransactions in Red Dead Redemption.
Just the other day I was looking at the roster and I thought, “how come Moon Knight is never in anything? and where is Blade and Punisher??” I had no idea what Marvel Knights was but I’m glad it’s this.
AC3 did not have autohiding in tall grass iirc, that was a feature added in Black Flag. Unless we are talking about a different mechanic, in Black Flag you would walk into tall grass and Edward would crouch down to hide in it. (I remember this vividly because I mistook it initially for a dedicated crouch button, which…
You ever look at the map that came with the game?
Tom Clancy was adamant that none of the Tom Clancy’s games would have you play as terrorists. In Rainbow Six Siege, you always play as a member of Rainbow during multiplayer; the matches are VR simulations in-universe.
I owned a Wii U and hated it. I love my boyfriend’s Switch though. For me, it is all about hand placement - I dislike the Wii U gamepad because it feels cumbersome in my hands. (And I’m a big guy with pretty big hands...) The Switch is such an improvement for me PURELY because you can detach the joycons. The Switch is…
I love the Yakuza series. I started at 4 myself with incredibly limited knowledge on 1 & 2 (I watched someone play 3 online - weakest plot imho) and I still really enjoyed it. 5 is one of my favorite games on PS3.