
Same! In 9th grade I dressed emo, From First To Last/ Taking Back Sunday, with fishnets and skirts and chipped black nails.

This is the correct take! Milk is trash. Tastes gross and is terrible for the environment. If you’re not a baby, you do not need milk.

I confused....why would they make that sound?

I related to her. And yes I do see what that may say about me *shrug* I'm a work in progress

I thinking banning something that is her moms bread and butter is cruel. If North is interested, she and Kim can bond over it. Building a healthy relationship with anything, be it alcohol drugs, or makeup, is a better option than a straight up ban. 

Ive noticed DB going downhill, as well. Not only repetitive, but unusually short sometimes. 

Jared Padaleki’s austin experience sounds about right. 

FUCK yes to the take 5. I used to get then in high school all the time as snack when my metabolism was high (basically a protein bar for me back then) and I could eat a candy bar a day, nbd. Those were the days!

FUCK yes to the take 5. I used to get then in high school all the time as snack when my metabolism was high

Thanks! Guess I miss them when they arent tagged as Dirtbag

Ok, cute but where is today's dirtbag?


A quick look on apartments.com and I found “reasonable” apt prices. Shrug....I’m moving to downtown Denver so tho so I may be biased.

“7 7 7 7 7 7 7....*mouths* (7)"

I love this. Beautifully said! 

This is some weird alternate reality, Black Mirror shit. Except, I don’t find it amusing. Or the Onion. 

When I think of RBF, Sarah Sanders comes to mind. Sorry if I ruined this expression for anyone.

Be supportive of the little wins, even if they seem insignificant to you. This will look different for everyone but for me, it might look like self care or not being stressed over work. I’d also do research in effects (ptsd, depression) bc these can be very real possibilities but the symptoms might be hard to see in a

Forgive me for being enabling, but fucking cheers friend.

You have come far, and it’s so lovely you have support and are in a good place. Letting go is SO HUGE. I hope to be in your place one day!

I am in the same horrifying, broken boat. I coped with alcohol, drugs, bag relationships, and lots and lots of sex with strangers. Now I’m married, but still an alcoholic.