The guy who isn't Michael Ian Black or Hal Sparks.
The guy who isn't Michael Ian Black or Hal Sparks.
But he's UBIQUITOUS! So damn ubiquitous! And Abbi Jacobson is cable ROYALTY! Insofar as she's on a show on cable.
People have said that the Strange Apparition trade paper back, which collects Steve Englehart and Marshall Rogers' run, is the best run on Batman ever. I don't know if I would go that far, but it is a strong contender for Batman perfection. It's all about The Laughing Fish.
A ballpoint banana!
If you didn't like this, don't watch 2014 Godzilla which is even more muddled, cliched, rainy and foggy. (I liked both movies, but if you didn't like the one, I doubt you'll care for the other).
It was pretty much the same kind of side scrolling beat 'em up with special attacks as the X-Men arcade game (I am Magneto, master of magnet!) but that had six playable characters (Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Dazzler). Advantage, X-Men.
Hop scotch, double Dutch, Oogie-Loves, MTV's Dan Cortez, that tv channel at the hotel that's like, about the hotel…
And met Captain Marvel (the Shazam one).
Andy Samberg, Kristen Schall and Ellie Kemper are essentially human Muppets anyway.
It's called Your Mother and I are Separating.
I guess I will watch Muppets and Supergirl, because apparently I am 8 years old.
I know, Jimmy needs to be a hapless dork!
Don't trust that B in apartment 23!
The stars of the only two good Spider-Man movies ever made!
It was a casting coup to hire someone who looks like a goblin to play the Green Goblin.
And Sean Howe's Marvel Comics: The Untold Story is a great book. It gets a bit boring at the end when it's an endless turnover of new executives and shady wheelings and dealings, but there is some real gold. Pretty much all of your favorite comic writers and artists were all miserable and hated their editors and…
Ah, Chuck Austen's X-Men run….not just a collection of terrible ideas, but a complex, interlocking mosaic of terrible ideas where each terrible idea served other terrible ideas. It was like the Bayeux Tapestry of shitty super hero comics.
Don't leave us hanging! What did the meaning and origin of life turn out to be?! You figure a comic with answers like that would have made the news or something…