
We lost this election through apathy.

Someone needs a nap.

Cumin! I meant cumin, I swear! Damn space bar.

Hey Dr. Nick

Fuck you, fight me.

Fuck you and your petty bullshit. A woman has died, Lindsey Adler writes this up about her and you respond with some pedantic nonsense? Again, Fuck you.

For every one of you who saw the character as “so distracting”, I know 5 people who saw it who didn’t even know it was CGI until they were told.

Shit, the War on Christmas is real

“The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” ... “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we

“Whoa whoa! You can plan parenthood?”

I can only imagine that the oh-so thinly-veiled disdain liberals have for certain parts of middle America is in no way responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals.

It wasn’t the auto industry areas that went Trump. To be honest it was a very small group (2% or so) that switched from Obama to Trump. They voted Bush twice, Obama twice, and got nothing for it. Their one stoplight towns are still crumbling and their jobs still disappearing (to automation not the mexicans they are

Don’t forget Obama managed to get that rule passed that raises the threshold for overtime pay for salaried workers from 23k to 47k, so millions more salaried workers would have seen a long-deserved pay increase. Of course that rule is one of the first thing Trump intends on killing, but it would have been nice.

I appreciate their tribute to Craig Sager.

In his final kind gesture, he will grant the wish of Kevin Garnett, and have his suit cremated as well.

If the tackle didn’t get her, eventually the cologne would have.

The difference is that Clinton did not personally benefit financially from the Clinton Foundation. All of those donations went to fighting AIDS in Africa and helping poor farmers.

Who would ever want to live in San Diego if there’s no perennial 8-8 NFL team there? It’s like hell on earth.