
Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit.

My father came here from Cuba in 1961 as a 10 year old boy. At 15 he lost his mother, who’d just escaped Cuba, leaving him abandoned in East LA. The first time I ever saw my father cry was visiting his mother’s grave. The only time we ever did. That was the only time I saw tears in his eyes for 38 years.

Our five year olds have figured out that they can climb our fence.

It’s a normal relationship, find a new slant.

Very surprised at the outcome, since Bryan struck me as someone whose wife hadn’t fucked him for a long time.

I’m not sure if you noticed, but Lebron doesn’t win year after year - in large part due to the Warriors. I think the point is, Durant going to the Warriors after they completed the best regular season in league history has made this all feel inevitable. So even when there are exciting individual games, it doesn’t even

Join us. Together we will can rule the galaxy!

Nope, and if you’re flying domestically the kids don’t need a passport either. The check-in person usually just reads the ticket and says, “Who is __?” and the kid answers. Have flown dozens of times with my three kids and even when we bring passports for them the only ID’s that are EVER asked for domestically are my

You know in the planning stages they gave him a time estimate and he was like “Oh, no absolutely. Absolutely ...” while his people politely tried not to laugh.

The creepiest thing to me is that it seemed so human like in it’s cadence, hesitation, and all that. So now... the only way to tell if someone is a human in the future is for them to talk like a robot so you know it’s not a robot.

a few skips down the rabbit hole and computers will put US in boxes and use us as random

A couple more years like this and he might even be in the hall of fame conversation.

I am quite ambitious, thank you. I am also excellent at what I do.

lol yeah tell me all about Obama-era Democrats. Please. Be my fucking guest.

I think Dr. West illustrates well the devolution into uselessness the word “neoliberal” has taken.

This is now the second time in a month that ESPN has fallen on its face while trying to discipline one of its biggest personalities for daring to talk politics on Twitter.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”

He died doing what he loved...

With total Republican control of government, it sure as hell should have been easy. But, somehow you managed to even make that look difficult. It’s almost as if everything you touch turns to shit. You’re like the reverse King Midas.

Exactly as MLK warned us about in “Letter from A Birmingham Jail”: “I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice;