
There would be people like this guy bitching if they did the exact opposite. Some people like to be unhappy.

Who consistently talks to their phone? If I’m in public and do it, I kinda feel like a weirdo. If I’m at home, I’m doing something menial like setting a timer. Sounds like I would hate this device.

I’d forgotten about the “burped” regeneration energy.  Hopefully they will use that on Grace or something else in the same way they used Tennant’s severed hand several times in the show. 

“even discounting the fact that this is a show about time travel

Yeah, the “too Hollywood” argument seems like an exclusionary fanboy thing. As though people who lose their patience dealing with the “damn, this makes ST:TOS feel like Avatar” low budget feel of classic Who shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy NuWho.

I thought for a second that the "burped" regeneration power was going to cure Ryan's dyspraxia, and got irrationally annoyed before they didn't actually do it! XD

Defender of the Crown was fantastic... 

Well you certainly put a tremendous number of words in my mouth there.

Agreed. I grew up and live in Israel. I haven’t seen it or even heard about it until years later, when I saw references to it online. I do have some vague recollections of educational games on the Apple II, mostly math or spelling related.

This. So damn much! A game about American Pioneers wouldnt really have fitted the curriculum much in schools outside the U.S. I only heard about it years later.

Absolutely!  I’ll admit that I leave my switch dormant for months when I’m doing XBone stuff, but when I do come back to it, I’m always excited for the great ports. Most of them also have minor tweaks that give new life to the game. Nintendo has a pretty good handle on this. 

And one of those other territories is likely to be Canada.

People got burned by Watch Dogs so now they go out of their way to find minute differences they can rage about online.

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

I just missed the Promenade gate by 1 second because I rolled over the elevator button and had to ride it back up and down. Same run I somehow made it to the Rampart’s gate in time though.

Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.

How is that surprising? Isn’t gyro aiming better than regular aiming with all games that support it (specifically gyro aiming, not the wii pointer aiming + no second analog meant moving by pointing outside the center of the screen).

“The Case for Two Libations”

Thanks for “misdirection”. I knew there was a simpler way of saying what I meant, and you nailed it.

As a Japanese native, this looks very Japanese to me (other than the spoken language, of course)