
I think at this point we’re just throwing words at the wall to see what sticks to try to come up with something to call this genre. “Immersive arcade sim roguelike” is probably not gonna be it, but it still makes me feel a bit queasy to look at that series of words in that order.

Wait, they... don’t? You’re telling me in this huge affair nobody has ever considered that it’d be bad optics if some security guard is caught on camera tackling Beyoncé’s grandma or whatever the hell? That seems like bad prep.

Being pre-recorded doesn’t necessarily mean that they can’t accidentally disappoint people. It certainly happens a lot when other companies try to use the same format and get it wrong. I’ve certainly been critical of Kotaku when I see stuff I don’t like, but I don’t know if this is one of those. All I was doing is

There was absolutely nothing “accidental” about it. Nintendo is 100% aware of how they structure these things. They wanted to drop a nod to the Niantic game and misleading you to think that they were going to disappoint you to then drop the announcement you really want has been a very conscious thing they do in

I do agree on the graphics. Sharp upscaling for games of that generation can look... really rough.

I definitely don’t get why it would be more awkward or problematic to shoot an intimate scene where the characters are related than one where they aren’t. I mean, surely on the day what matters is the relationship between the actors and the crew, not the characters.

Was. Rest in peace, actually good reboot. You were too stacked with expensive actors for this world. 

Yeah, the show itself is available. I’m saying it’s weird that they’ve never done anything with it ever again. This is Disney, I would have expected multiple remakes, remasters and a billion dollar movie that may or may not have MCU ties by this point.

Honestly, much as I do like this game, I would be into more narrative content. It’s crazy that this was a one and done, basically. And while I think it’s also hard to capture why people liked it, so a disappointing reboot is certainly very likely I can tell you I skipped most of their Disney Plus Star Wars stuff but I

This is one of the games that used CRT blending effects more intentionally, particularly in the Mega Drive/Genesis version. I wonder if the remaster will do anything with that, because the pixel perfect version of this is... a bit weird to look at, since the effect is all over Goliath’s wings.

It can be a bit confusing if you don’t know what the game expects of you (here’s hoping they add the manual or a hint system), but it’s a nice looking, well made game. This was one of the very few brief moments in that presentation that weren’t physically painful and they just... said it was happening and moved on

I mean, I appreciate the impulse to mediate, but... not really. The “other guy” was missing the point because he thought these AIs are copy/pasting pieces of pre-existing pictures together, which is not how it works. This wasn’t a philosophical misunderstanding about the concept of comprehension, it was one side

They did say that they ended up cutting the number of Shulkie scenes over development. I hard disagree that the CG doesn’t hold, though. I found all of one objectinable shot in this entire episode. For a TV show with a CG main character this is about as good as I’ve ever seen.

I agree on that. Especially with the weekly drops. I wish the jokes were better, but the thing not being a big movie chopped up in pieces is just fine with me.

I hate that this show is bad, there was just so much potential here. And it’s never going to be easy to talk about it because the usual whinebros already complained about all the wrong things, so now it’s hard to talk about the real problems.

It’s the latter. He’s said this before, he links to a whole misleading, misinformed article about how artists will lose their jobs because Dall-E 2 is evil or whatever.

This must be the most frustrating piece of gaming marketing I’ve ever had the misfortune of sitting through.

Unfortunately, you get US localizations as the default for anything meant for anywhere vaguely “western”. This thing is probably in English in many of the non-English speaking places where the license is a big deal.

I’m guessing they would have had to pay the cancellation fee in 2021 and negotiated a postponement instead with the venue because of Covid. Then when they fully cancelled they probably still had to pay that fee. I mean, who knows, they are a pretty big thing that comes back every year, so the whole situation is
