
I mean... half of Shin Chan’s appeal is him “being a normal kid having a normal summer” anyway.

Well, that’s the setup you want on one of these anyway, so this is probably a good deal for most people.

Ah, the excluding handheld bit aligns it, I suppose, although I would certainly not exclude handhelds. If nothing else home consoles are a very narrow field, being in the top 10 of eight generations of consoles is not saying much.

I think whether you feel that most of the stuff that seeps through is negative or not will have a lot to do with perspective. I, for sure hear a lot of the upsides of ML, which is such a hot area of research for all sorts of positive applications (including, by the way, making videogames).

Yeah, a lot of my point here is that console “success” is often a lot more regional than people give it credit for.

It’s definitely a huge vicious cycle between the erosion of facts online, the push to compete in misleading information for traditional media and the erosion of traditional media as trusted gatekeepers of fact offline prompting more vulnerability for the erosion of facts online.

Where did you pull that stat? By most sources I’m aware of it doesn’t make the top 10 worldwide. And while, yeah, it did outsell the Xbox and Gamecube (which is not saying much) and it narrowly outsold the Mega Drive/Genesis the only Nintendo consoles that did worse are the Gamecube, the Wii U and... the Virtual Boy.

296 is a lower number than I would have guessed. But then, the N64 bombed harder than people, and particularly North Americans, think. Still, knowing that library (and that controller) I certainly wouldn’t commit to that, especially on original hardware.

“New Switch hardware coming” is a hell of a way to word “there is a slightly differently colored Switch dock and controllers to tie in with the game”.

Well, those are not the same thing. Game “AIs” are sets of fairly simple rules to move agents in a game in a way that makes them fun to interact with. Machine learning is about getting computers to understand and reproduce fuzzy concepts and learn to sort complex sets of data.

Sure, but in this instance it’s an out of context partial quote from an out of context conversation. He is explicitly talking about latent genetic markers for disease that are likely to resurface on incestuous relationships. It’s not like there aren’t legitimate reasons for criticism without having to misconstrue an

I mean... no, he explicitly explains the go-to medical example of hemophilia (hey there, European aristocracy) immediately afterwards. “Do not breed exclusively within your family group” is, weird as it is to say, the exact opposite of what you’re describing.

A common thread linking my complete revulsion for all things blockchain and AI is the sheer inhumanity of it all. Devotees of these techbro causes are so focused on technology, profits and market forces, while remaining oblivious to their effects and consequences, that at times it feels like they have become

I mean, he’s trying to dumb down the concept that diseases that require both parents to carry a gene are more likely to show up in offspring from close relatives.

Sooo... here’s the thing.

Well, that sucks so, so much. I didn’t know. I can’t say anything the article and the comments haven’t already said, but I wanted to at least add to the well deserved pile of heartfelt condolences.

I agree with you that automated testing is already in place, hard disagree that any tedious maual testing is already automated. It is not. Better recognition of lots of tedious testing, particularly in gaming, would not just be a good thing, it would make the lives of many QA people better.

Open source licenses are a massive mess of their own, but also I’m not surprised that they wouldn’t use them properly even if it wasn’t.

To be clear, I’m not a lawyer and none of that is legal advice, it’s just stuff you pick out by reading things and watching explainers about why Capcom tried to sue a bunch of other fighting games in the 90s.

I like the threshold of desperation implied by “they took them out of the box to take pictures of them for evidence” being their current fallback.