
I don’t really think that’s the case. Like 80% of that show is self-centered reflections on what it’s like to have to write a very popular animated sci-fi show for adults with a toxic fanbase that misunderstands its toxic lead. At this point the joke is how far up their own ass the fanbase can get while being actively

Yeah, well, I refuse to let other idiots make me not enjoy the stuff I enjoy just because they don’t understand the most obvious parts of it. I was there when Fight Club hit, I have tons of practice.

Meh. Humor is very subjective. I don’t find goofy AI generated text funny, either, it just doesn’t do it for me.

This is such a random pull that I don’t even know which side of that particular argument you’re blaming for this.

I just don’t have strong feelings about it. I mostly think it looks nice visually, a bit rough mechanically and if you’re into this brand of humor... well, it’s there.

Not sure we’re talking about the same person. I mean the trailer guy who’s relaying a first person account of the mission, seemingly from the perspective of one of the pilots, who definitely doesn’t sound like anything Homeworld.

I was concerned that the guy talking was gonna be in the game for a bit before I realized he was just a framing device to explain the mechanics to people who weren’t alive when Homeworld happened and the new additions to veterans.

Everything else looks great. Excited for “first half of 2023", which is a weird way to

Agreed. But it’s surprising how hard they’re trying and how flat it falls. Maybe I’m just old and jaded now, but it’s probably growing pains on the wake of E3's ongoing undeath. 

I mean, historically a bit, because it comes so soon after E3 that a lot of stuff was repeated. But E3 is no more and this was a big show with a lot of new games in it. And yet.

I don’t know, I’m still excited about games and... gamey things, just not the ones that typically involve a Keighley shilling them on a big stage. I freaked out at them remaking Live a Live, which seems like the most random way for a bunch of people to spend months if not years. And I do like me a visual showcase

I’m just gonna come out and say it. I think I finally got jaded about gaming hype.

The second game is listed as “early access” on Steam and I’m not gonna lie, that messed me up. Fuck cancer.

The weird part for me is how these premium controllers now from both Sony and Microsoft, still don’t make a big deal out of using those for a premium fee. I guess it’s not great marketing to publicize that there is a more reliable piece of tech available they’re choosing not to use on the default hardware, but still.

What in the name of sanity makes anybody think that three shots that look kinda similar imply a shot for shot remake? How desperate for clickbait are we at this point?

Sorta kinda. Cheaper things did better and Netflix cares about full runthroughs as well as total hours watched when choosing to greenlight more seasons. It didn’t do terribly, but another Stranger Things this is not. 

Not much to object to that other than to pointy out that no, not everywhere is like that. Britain and the US sure, but I promise you a bunch of people naturally feel that stories, and especially big, epic stories, primarily happen elsewhere. Not being part of that anglo monoculture you describe changes many things.

That all makes sense. Don’t know that I’d agree that it runs great, having tried the current drivers. Frankly, with no per-game power management the Deck is barely usable, IMO. Just loud and noisy and power hungry, and the Windows navigation on handheld is so frustrating. I get that you can get a dock, but if I wanted

Yeah, the frustrating part here is that Alone in the Dark got it mostly right. The first time and only the first time, but it was all there.

Oh, so it will dual boot like it does with an external source if you manually partition the internal SSD? I didn’t know that, I thought you needed a separate physical drive until dualboot received proper support.

I agree with Luke on this one. Why do people insist in turning Carnby into a tough guy with a gun? I get that you hear “private detective in the 1920s” and your basic 21st century mind immediately goes to noir stereotypes, but it’s supposed to be a lovecraftian horror setting. It’s a whole different genre and I want