
They showed him using a generator to watch Cast Away.

I apologize. Reading through the comments (and the press about the announcement, for that matter), it seems people are just misinterpreting Marvel's usual marketing hyperbole to mean everything's getting canceled. It's the usual evolution of commenting, on my part, where intending to help or correct becomes snark

They announced that 616 and Ultimate will merge by the end of issue 1.

There's a difference between a company not telling a team on a long-running book about a continuity reboot only a month or two ahead (though clearly a shitty thing to do) and said company putting the time and money needed into *launching* a new book immediately before a continuity reboot that changes anything that was


Marvel doesn't cancel books mid-arc. The fact that they're okaying a series to premiere the month before shows that current 616 continuity will not be reset or ended. This "new universe" will just be the 616 timeline from the last 50 years, with new parts (eg. 1610, the Ultimate universe) grafted on. To think

My understanding from having just Googled it is that Birds of Prey ran for 15 issues before New 52 forced a reboot. So it's easy to imagine they were running for several months or even a year before getting the news DC was rebooting the universe.

Come on, dude. The Ultimate universe's involvement is built around adding *another* Spider-Man.

Squirrel Girl doesn't have an MCU movie. More specifically, they're re-launching Hawkeye next month or March. Again, they're launching Uncanny Inhumans with a #0 in April and #1 in May, yet apparently May's Secret Wars will destroy the continuity and they'll reset the Inhumans series at issue 2? Pfft.

Prior to this announcement, I was only hoping for Miles, Ganke, Jefferson and Ultimate Jessica Drew to continue somehow. The relief of this announcement is that at least they won't have to spend effort creating flimsy character motivations for them all to leave 1610 permanently.

No, that ended about a year ago with Parker taking back control. He's currently in the center of an event called Spider-Verse, where alternate universe Spider-Men (including Miles Morales) and related spider-power superheroes team up to stop some dimension-hopping villains hunting them all down.

You're basing your fear on nothing. Marvel has specifically avoided saying it's a reboot. It's just going to be another event that, in Marvel-ese, "SHAKES THE UNIVERSE AS YOU KNOW IT TO ITS VERY CORE. NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME."

Nope. The fact Squirrel Girl, Ant-Man, and others are launching so close to this event (I believe a new Inhumans book launches *the month before*) is just further proof that there's not going to be a continuity reboot.

It's just gonna be another Marvel event. Specifically, Spider-Verse writ large: alternate universe characters pop in, the final result is 90% the same. The only difference isUltimate characters and some other outliers or dead characters will return. Nobody's discussed a continuity reboot - in fact, Marvel's avoided

Nope. The Ultimate universe's involvement seems designed specifically to bring *in* Miles Morales.