Dumbbells Matt

I think you are over analyzing a poorly written low budget TV drama….The mist is illogical, too many stories going on, unlikable characters, nothing like Stephen King's book, and some terrible acting….None of it makes sense.

People must understand. The mist is like Cartman, It does what it wants. It never kills the main characters. They can run it for hours and nothing ever happens. Put an extra in it or a religious nazi , than in less 30 seconds they are toast. The mist sometimes can go through key holes, other times not…It never comes

I just saw episode 7 on line before the TV premiere tonight….Just keeps getting worse but fear not at least the priest gets what he deserves…Another note, I can't take the priest serious since it's the same actor who played Bull Dog on Fraiser…I'm expecting him to yell this THIS STINKS IT REALLY STINKS!

Everyone needs to know THE MIST does what it wants. It's like Cartman…..In the 1st episode, the mist moved slower than the man with amnesia walking into town warning them "It's coming" even though scenes of it were shown moving fast….The mist will get there when it's Damn good and ready…..The mist never kills the main

The mist is poorly written and directed…IT'S BORING…..I'm actually rooting for the monsters to eat the cast, I hate them all so much. Nothing makes sense. This is a CRINGE worthy show nothing like the terror and suspense of the movie…No REAL monsters, no likable characters except for the women perceived as crazy

Romano was my favorite character….He was the character you loved to hate…Mean, spiteful, vengeful and nasty BUT a great a surgeon who cared about his patients…The two helicopter incidents (one which cut his arm off and the other which fell out of the sky crushing him to death WAS RIDICULOUS….It's as though the

Romano was my favorite character….He was the character you loved to hate…Mean, spiteful, vengeful and nasty BUT a great a surgeon who cared about his patients…The two helicopter incidents (one which cut his arm off and the other which fell out of the sky crushing him to death WAS RIDICULOUS….It's as though the

This is true…..No where in the historical texts does it say, Ecbert was involved at all. Aelle's troops found Ragnal. Adding Ecbert just made the plot more interesting for TV but it's not accurate.

You have never seen the show but choose to criticize…..Who is the real meat head here…Hmmm?

Without Ragnar, the series will decline imo, but still be a good one. He was a rare mix character of power, leadership, thought, focus, and indomitable will. One of the most compelling TV characters ever. However, historically speaking the writers had no choice, legend says Ragnar dies is in a dungeon covered in