
Keep vilifying white men and see if they ever vote Democrat again.

Each day I’m more and more convinced that the commenters on Jezebel have never met anyone that isn’t like them (except their uncle or in-laws that they hate). The inability to grasp we lost is astonishing. The majority of people don’t find identity politics appealing. Most people vote for what they perceive to be the

“You tanked her and Obama’s platform with Bernie’s education plan for your dogwhistle bullshit.”

Women voted for Trump too and you know it. 55% of those eligible to vote are women. They alone have the power to stop someone like Trump. A lot chose not to.

The flavor of Jezebel lately has been “circle the wagons” and “we ran a perfect campaign”. As goes our comments’ section, so goes the nation, I always say.

Hillary did not lose because of Bernie’s education plan.

interesting, i hadn’t heard that. who was saying we should abandon pushing for equal rights and police reform?